
A way to get a cat used to you and your house?

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i got a free cat from some really nice people and todays his 2nd day of living with me and my mom and sister. last night it kept on meowing and we couldent get any sleep,,

so whats the best way to get a cat used to you and your house?

his name is Buddy by the way xD




  1. Buddy just wants to be with his mum (:

    comfort him and pet him and play with him (:

    he is just missing his family so just give him normal surroundings and he will get used to things after a while (:

  2. give it time

  3. He's just trying to get used to the new home and all those changes.  He's probably a bit unsettled.  He could be meowing in the middle of the night because his last owners were up later or let him go outside and he wants the same thing in his new home.  If you just ignore the meowing for a week or so he should figure out that he isn't going to get attention in the night.  During the day I wouldn't chase him down to love on him, but if he comes into the room you are in love on him and as always make sure he has food and water and a clean little box.  Give it a day or so, and congratulations on your new pet!  I can tell how happy you are to have Buddy!

  4. Thats how all cats are when they first come to a new home hima few days to get used to the place..let HIM come up to you when hes of my girl cats was hiding under my sofa for like 2 days until she got use to me and my other cat

  5. Ok, well I have a kitty too and her name is Phoebe...she is my baby

    Anyways, when you first get a cat you have to remember that cats are nothing like dogs, they like space and will freak out with change. The cat you just got "buddy" will be absolutely terrified at this point, the best way to allow him to become used to you and your family would firstly be to find an empty box and make it nice and dark and place it somewhere he can hide inside of it (this is to make him feel more secure). Secondly make sure you dont make him do anything he doesn't want to, like holding him if he wants to get down. When you are about to feed him, try petting him and talking to him. Lastly just give him time, he will eventually start rubbing against your leg and coming up and sitting n you all by himself. Most importantly, dont let him outside for at least 2 weeks. Hope this helps

  6. I had a room for the cat to sleep in , I sat with it most of the day for a week , after he got used to that bit we opened up a  bit more of the house and gradually he got used to everything . Hope it helped : )

  7. I would think it is either afraid of the new surroundings, or could be sick.

    A cat isn't a kind of animal you can go after and hold and make it love you right away. The cat must come to you, when it is ready to. It must be comfortable with you first. Let the cat come to you when it is ready to. It will take time. Since this is the case, you must have patience.

    A cat will have to inspect and sniff out everything to know it is safe.

  8. time and space

    when we first brought our kitten home he ran under the coffee table so we put a blanket food and water dishes under there and he spent a few hours there just sitting

    after a few hours he ventured out and we let him come to us

    we then picked him up and put him in his litter tray and went back in the front room letting him make his own way back so he could get his bearings

    the first night when we went to bed we put mogsy in his new bed in our bedroom and he cried and cried until we let him on our bed now hes 6mths old and has never slept in his kitty bed at night always at the foot of our bed

  9. Relax,it'll be about a week.Buddy will learn that your his provider and love you too.

  10. Place it in a room with food, water and a litter box for a week so it can get use to the smells in the house and you.  It may still feel a little scared after a week, but let it out so it can explore the house.  And make sure it knows where you put the litter box or keep it in the same spot so it won't make messes everywhere.

  11. dont touch him. ik that sounds weird but u have to let him just walk around and look at you and ur house and the rutines.if they come to u and it looks like they want to be petted byall means bet him! but dont go up to him. just let him wander around. i have a cat who has lived with me ever sence it was born and it will still meow at night. sometimes we think its kuz she wants us up. its kinda cute actually but WOW it rlly does get annoying! just keep in mind it doesnt know u yet. i wouldnt rlly want a stange person i just met hold me :)

  12. Just give him some space. He will probably meow for a few days. Usaully after one-three days that will stop and he will start settling in. Its very normal for a kitten to act that way in a new home.

      Also, play with him alot.

  13. just leave it alone for a while and it will get used to you.  if it makes a mess, DON"T YELL AT IT!!! you will only make it more scared.  just tell it no calmly and nicely and it will understand.  after it gets used to you and your family then you can discipline it more  

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