
A way to get kids into recycling?

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The science club at my school is looking for ideas to get elementary school kids into recycling the paper they use at school (hopefully they'll learn to recycle at home to, and there aren't cans at the school so its just paper)

We can do a presentation, a play or anything else. What do you think we should do to teach kids about recycling?




  1. Kids are incredibly smart and simply model behaviours, so if you recycle they will copy you. Get all of the staff to recycle to show the kids an even better example.

    I would not make a big issue out of it, just put labels on the recycling bins and put some posters up on the walls. When the kids start to show an interest answer their questions. If lots show an interest then ask them if they would like to do a project about it and what would they like to do.

    So show by your own good example and let the kids tell you how they want to learn.

  2. Not sure but the first thing that pops into my head is Groucho from Sesame street.

    Sorry for not being much help

  3. First of all, show them pictures of landfills, big, disgusting landfills. Then, show them how by not recycling, or even littering, things can just drift all over and destroy plants, animals, and the environment. Tell them also, because this is true, that it we don't recycle we'd be living in garbage because we have SO MUCH! Sometimes by taking the sudden shocker route, you get a lot more attention, memories, and people who'll take action. You could even hold a contest or something to get kids interested, like, whoever's class recycles the most for the whole year, will get a prize. That turns a light on in kid's minds, PRIZE. They LOVE that. Now it's a competition to see who can do the best job. Besides, by also not telling them what it is, you get a whole year to figure it out. Hope this helps!

  4. Putting them in the bin and driving them to recycling center and putting them in the machine has always worked for me

  5. Make a game out of it, it helps my daughter with picking up her toys. Good Luck

  6. I would start by letting them know it is their future, if they don't give a c**p now then let them deal with it when they grow up.

    Good luck you have your hands full, because kids live in the here and now!

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