
A website to have someone build custom lego vehicles and buildings?

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Is there a website where I can send a picture and they to their best way of doing so can build that model that I send them? A website, email or something so I can look into it! I would like some things built from pictures! Thanks




  1. Nope!  Or, probably not what you're looking for.

    The closest I can think of is LSculpt.  One Lego enthusiast created a program for turning 3-D model files into Lego models.  You can see it here (though it's pretty complicated):

    There was some also some research done a few years ago at MIT to try and do something similar to what you're talking about (with a little more guidance from the user), but it proved to be too difficult to do automatically.  It involved a knowledge base of somewhat simplistic sub-parts that could function in ways that the user chose, and could mix-and-match them together.

    The only automatic instruction makers for flat images that I'm aware of are for creating Lego mosaics, not 3-D structures.  One example is LUGNET's MosaicMaker:

    None of these are exactly what you want, I don't think, so the best solution is still going to be designing it yourself!  Or, if you're willing to spend money, there are various people who can do it for you, but it's pretty expensive.  They're mostly for companies who want large Lego displays.


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