
A weird connection but please read first...

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Have you seen the Lord of the Rings? Yes, it was a good movie but there's something else. You know that Sauron was featured as "The Eye" and he was an evil ruler who wanted the dominion of Middle-Earth. He had a fearful number of Orcs and other creatures for his army to invade land.

Well, I was wondering, the Dajjal Al-Masih mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had one eye. The Dajjal will spread fitnah, and have a large number of people who will follow him.

Did the author write the story based on the foretold coming of the Antichrist, or was it just a coincidence?

I know it's a weird connection between the two, but I can't help feeling that they're somehow related. I am probably wrong, though.





  1. Well i so agree with u, cos that's what i was telling my sister, H.K about Cloverfield, is that the reaction the ppl are gonna face when the Dajjal comes too.  But the reaction is gonna be so much worse. :P

  2. u have a great point here, brother .. but i think it's just a coincidence !

  3. Not really. But they do seem similar. Good spot!

  4. wow that is a weird connection.

  5. here u go :) atlast some1 else noticed :D

    anyways.... at the same time i agree to u, i have some other observations for u people from the same movie:

    ok so how many of u remember the end war of this movie? in which the villianious army come with huge elephants and all?

    and the "good" army is kinda confused about wat to do but some of the heroes cut off the ropes of the elephants' saddles due to which enemies fall from the elephants and are killed by them. well that is wat happened in the history of Islam as well, as stated in the Story of the Elephants! Surah-al-Fil (The Elephant) says in its first verse:

    "Have you (O Muhammad saw) not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant?"

    and there's more... in the historical war, there was this one biggest elephant named Mahmood, just like the biggest one they showed in the movie!

    and even 1 another observation, just b/c i saw this movie a looong time back i don't exactly remember the part or anything, but it was some where else in this movie that the "good" army is tricked and while they r fighting Sauron's army, when they almost reach the end of the fight, the bad army attacks from behind! Reminds any1 of the idea used @ the Battle of Hunain???

    so i would agree to the asker here that this movie did have the knowledge of such big events that are somewhat related to Religion.

  6. well yes i agree

    its a weird coincidence!

  7. It's quite likely he studied some comparative religion. Other great authors like Goethe did the same. Goethe even wrote poems in German for the houris of paradise.

  8. may be

  9. I'm not scared of midgets.  

  10. Really Nice observation !  I think i kinda agree !!

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