
A weird question about the p***s...?

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So my husband and I were watching a documentary where a scientist of some description stated that the "ideal" p***s would be one that had a bone in it. But we didn't hear wether there was actually an animal with such a p***s, or if he was just speaking hypothetically.

So, is there an animal that has a bone in it's p***s?




  1. lol  well u no.. i dont no.. be awfully uncomefortable wouldnt it..

    lol... now im curious.. is there an animal with a bone in his p***s.... lol

  2. Yagoubid is only partly correct.  Reptiles do NOT have a bone in their penises, in fact they don't even have penises as you know it.  The males have a hemi-p***s, which consists of actually two p***s-like organs.  It depends on which side of the female the male is wrapped around that determines which hemi-p***s he uses.

    To answer your question directly:  Yes there are some animals with a bone inside the p***s.  As you can imagine, therefore the p***s is "always" erect, but held inside the body until needed.  Some idiot hunters actually use these bones, from the animals they've killed, as swizzle sticks, to stir their drinks.  

    I can't give you a list of all the male animals with bones in their penises, but I can tell you that Raccoons, some Canines, and other Mammals, have them.

  3. no its impossible because it ...... u know lol anyways no its just hypothetycally but it would be the ideal woulndt??

  4. The baculum or os p***s is common among carnivores (not cats), primates (not humans), and rodents. It is not found in whales. The largest I've ever seen came from walruses.

    One of my major professors was one of those "idiots" who used raccoon bacula for swizzle sticks. Interesting conversation piece.

    BTW, the plural of "p***s" is "penes".

  5. I think one or several species of whale have a bone p***s

  6. Dogs do, or so I am told. I have no direct knowledge of this.

  7. There are three types of Penni (penises):

    1- Cavernous tissue. This type enlarged with the flow of blood to fill the cavernous tissue. Types are  humans, equines, elephants,...

    2- Fibrous p***s. Consist of white tough fibers, with a fixed size but always very long and shortened by a sigmoid flexture .. bulls, camels,lamas...

    3- p***s with os p***s. with a piece of bone in the middle with a grove to pass s***n and urine .. canines, felines, reptiles (dogs,cats,lions....)

  8. Yes..many animals have a p***s bone..most mammals do..more info below:

  9. Actually, MOST mammals have a bone in their p***s.  It is called a baculum or os p***s.  Humans, rabbits, hyenas, marsupials, and horses are among the only mammals that do not.

    *about the raccoon baculum used for swizzle sticks.. I have read that raccoon baculums were used as a charm of fertility by Native Americans in the far north.  That might have something to do with it.

  10. Dogs and rats do, and some other mammals.

    It's called the os p***s.

  11. Yes, many mammals have a bone in the p***s called the baculum. Humans are actually one of the few mammals that lack this bone.

    In response to BWANA's answer, not all reptiles have a hemipenis. This is only found in snakes and lizards.

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