
A while ago i got 6 battery hens?

by  |  earlier

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now i have 4 more but the old ones keep fighting with the new ones. What can i do?




  1. Allow them to establish a pecking order.

    - Pepper.

  2. Good to see that you rescued more than one- it is much better when there are a number of new chooks to join the present ones.

    You can start by keeping the new hens in a smaller cage inside your coop- so your original chooks can get used to the new ones- but the new ones are safe from harms way.

    Make sure they have shelter, hay for nesting in, water and food and see how the older chooks react.

    You should probably leave them in the smaller cage for a few days at least before introducing them to your other hens.

    Leave the cage in the coop so that your new hens have somewhere to retreat when feeling threatened. They may wish to roost in their smaller cage at night.

    Chickens have a 'pecking order' so your original 6 will most likely dominate your new hens, but once order has been established there should be peace again.

  3. introducing new hens is always a risky thing and it will take TIME . . .

    Your new ex- Battery hens are fighting with the old (original) ones because they are establishing a pecking order which can and will take time.

    as long as no blood is shed or no hen is hurt leave well be and just keep and eye on them . .

    an idea to help them  is to

    *give more then one feeder and drinker. .  to prevent squabbling about and over the feed

    *make sure all perches are at one level

    * remove the new ones for a day and put with the old ones at night so they will have a whole night to get to know and become familiar with each other over night

    try these and all should work out after a while=)

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