
A whistling women and a crowing hen is an abomination to the lord?

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my mom says this is found in the bible truthfuly i dont beleive it if it is found in the blible where is it found




  1. Sorry... I went to and did a few searches. Nothing came up. You might want to ask your mother where she found these.

  2. Gaby O, Well, most of your replies are correct, there are no crowing hens or whistling women mentioned in the Bible.  In fairness to your Mom, however, there are several verses in the Bible that relay those general thoughts.  The place to look is in Proverbs.  Some that I can think of right off are Proverbs 21:18, 21:23 and Proverbs 27:15.  There probably a few more and some in Ecclesiastes as well.  Both make interesting reading.


  3. I have no idea hon, but you must agree, it sounds rather drastic, doesn't it? I would say it was said by a real miserable cranky old man! wouldn't you? Have a great day.

  4. Ok, it's not in the King James Version. I have a concordance and I just looked in there. Whistle or whistling doesn't appear in the Bible at all. Hens do not crow, and the only time crowing is mentioned in the Bible is when Jesus is telling Peter about how he is going to deny him before the c**k crows. You can tell your mom she's full of c**p. Just because someone says something is in the Bible doesn't mean it's there. It's possible she was reading a different version, but I doubt what she's saying to be true.

  5. And this in the agriculture section rather than religion section because?????????

  6. The music section.

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