
A whole day without friction!..?

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I have to write this story on a day without friction..

what a few things that you use through out your day which use friction??




  1. Well, a day without friction means that you can't walk around or drive a car. You can't even pick anything up without friction. So writing a story without friction would be pretty hard because the main character wouldn't be able to do many daily activities

  2. it would be a day spent in serious contemplation of life the universe and bodily functions...

    good luck


    If you had does one get rid of friction for a day...I would have said "stay in bed" or get into a tub of icecubes.


  4. you could not drive or walk anywhere because you could never get 'footing' on the ground. you could pump those crazy legs all day long and not go anywhere. see, friction is what makes the tires 'stick' to the road. with no friction your tires would endlessly spin but never grip. the same principle applies to the soles of your shoes and your fingertips. you could only hold something if you utilized gravity.

    example: if you had a cone shaped cup, gravity could make it stay in your hand. but if you had a cup shaped like a cylinder, you could never stop it from sliding right thru your fingers. there are many other things that would be affected, to imagine what it would be like, you could just imagine that everything in the world was covered with petroleum jelly, even that wouldn't eliminate all friction but it gives you an idea of what it might be like.

    without friction, your lap top would just slide right of the desk due to the slightest breeze. but then again the wind wouldn't affect the laptop because with no friction there would be no interaction between the molecules in the air and the molecules of your laptop. this is a sweet question. hmm, i dont think there would be any sound either, or ocean waves because these waves must be 'transfered' thru a medium and with no friction there would be no transfer.

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