
A widow getting war widows pension?

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I know a lady who is getting war widows pension. She went on to have two kids with a man she lived with him for a while then she became a single mother. I was told she was only with him so she could have the children. Is she still entitled to war widows pension. This question is for a older lady I know




  1. War widows are war widows forever. If a war widow remarries or enters into a defacto relationship, her pension is not affected. If, in addition to her pension, she receives income support, the amount of the income support may be affected by her new partner's income, but nothing about the pension itself is affected.

    You say "This question is for a older lady I know" It's beginning to sound like you mean "This question is against a older lady I know" and you should be up front about it if that's the case.

  2. If she had the children after her husband was killed Centrelink would have noticed don't you think, especially if she claimed income support for them.

    Unless you have information she is defrauding Centrelink, this is probably none of your business.

    If you do have evidence of social security fraud, you can contact Centrelink to report it, but remember ~ if this is just hearsay or gossip, you could be causing someone a great deal of distress for no good reason.

    Please be careful with any accusations made without firm evidence.

    Cheers :-)

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