
A wild crazy person...?

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Ok I know this quite, sweet, very very shy, and peaceful girl. But sometimes she feels as if their is this firer in her and it growing and getting biger. Then when she can't control it any more she goes crazy and wild. For example on the school bus she will sit on top of the sit, and have her legs in the sit (like a lot of people do with desks in side the classroom), or she will do something like that. She isn't dangerous, and doesn't get mad easily. So do you know any tips for her to keep her wild side under control? And advise at all and thanks?

~*~P.S.~*~ Don't say a whipping or beating, she doesn't need that...




  1. Ummm is this person you?

    I think everyone has one of those moments where they dgaf anymore.

  2. OMG SHE SITS ONTOP OF THE SEAT INSTEAD OF IN IT!!!!????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



  3. Unless it endangers her or anyone else I don't see why you should stopping her doing things.

    I'm also very shy, quite, polite, etc.

    I can't help being that way because I feel as if people are constantly watching me, waiting for me to mess up, even though I know that thought is irrational.

    I like to act weird or crazy sometimes too, because I never get the chance to express my thoughts or anything.

    I can barely even speak to people...I need some way to show people I have my own mind....

    I sometimes get all hyper because I don't talk or hang out with anyone on most days.

    I don't let myself go completely crazy, but it's nice to just sometimes let myself act a little strange.

  4. im the same way me and my best friend call them spasms of excitement.. like you get really hyper doesn't last for long then u calm down. who knows why ahha.. people find it amusing when i get like this.

  5. i would say the best you can do is to comfort her in this time or if you can see it coming up then try to clam her down before she even explodes.

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