
A woman's place is .....?

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A woman's place is .....?




  1. Wherever is in the best interest of her, if she's single.

    If she has young children, it's wherever is in the best interest of her children.

  2. where she is happy.

  3. in the House.

    Or the Senate..

  4. Wherever shes wants it to be, and the same goes for men,providing its legal and not hurting anyone.

  5. anything where want to be.

  6. A woman's place is only considered relevant in society if it does not impact adversely on the workplace, homelife or the interests of men in general.

    I have learned that from the anti-feminists and the misogynyists on here!

  7. Wherever she wants her place to be.

  8. At home taking care of her man,kids and home~!

  9. in bed with her partner!

  10. being a bit of a traditionalist, i would have to answer in the home!!!

    I still work, and very much have a social life, but i believe that i should be there to drop my kids off and pick them up from school each day - take them home and cook their dinner!!!

    I share my housework and bills equally with my husband (who does a better job of it than me) but my kids always know that where I am, what im doing and how to get hold of me if they need me but being at home is my priority!

    If they need me i'm always there,  

  11. Keep the kitchen clean and the bedroom dirty :-D

  12. A woman's place is the same as a man's, where ever it is that allows them to be true to themselves.

  13. Wherever she happens to be...

  14. on top of her boyfriend

    haha, no, at work or with her family.  

  15. Wherever she wants to be.

  16. I know where mine is and that's what counts; let the others do as they please.

  17. anywhere,

    maybe in the kitchen in the early days

    but its the 21st century we're let lose!! x

  18. where ever she feels the most comfortable.  

  19. Not being in the kitchen all day :)

  20. Whatever shes wants it to be.

    This is too broad of a question, a women's "place" differs for different women, and its not the 50s anymore a women's "place", no longer exists.

  21. in the House. The House of Representatives.

  22. On a big comfy chair with a big mug of coffee in baggy PJ's with no make up on, hair tied back watching Gilmore Girls.... allllll dayyy longg wooo......

  23. Anywhere and Everywhere. The same as a man

    Equal rights all the way! :D

  24. where ever she wishes to be...

  25. in Office, to get rid of stupid stereotypes.

  26. everywhere

  27. Anywhere she wants to be.

    Humans don't have "places."

  28. "It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation. "

    Camille Paglia

    Anywhere, dude. Anywhere.

    My site, Thank you.

  29. A man's place is....?

  30. ...a dreamy little cottage with lots of windows facing the sea.  

  31. This woman's favorite place is - the kitchen around dinner time, the bedroom around s**y time, and the classroom day time - either learning or teaching.

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