
A woman down the street told me she was attracted to my wife. Should I tell her? I have ideas of a threesome.?

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What should i do? Is it really cheating if you wife is there too?




  1. I don't think that was a part of your wedding Vows!

  2. you could tell her.

    However I see in my practice that couples who engage in 3 somes, usually end up just 2 and it destroys the marriage.

    Dont Do it

  3. First you are making a logical jump from the woman saying she is attracted to your wife and having a threesome. You may believe a threesome would be a logical step but the neighbor may have completely different ideas.

    Second issue do you say something to your wife? In my opinion I would say something in passing to your wife about the conversation. Once you do mention it to her I would try not to make it into a big deal nor I would try suggesting a threesome. Instead I would let your wife process the information and she what she has to say about it.

    Third if there is an interest of a cuckold between the two of them or a threesome then I would suggest re-examining your boundaries to ensure that the both of you are the same 'page' about the topic of cheating and boundaries.

    Finally I would be careful with this as it has the potential for a lot of uncomfortableness especially if nothing develops or something happens with it ending on not good terms. Also the likelihood of something happening like a cuckold or a threesome is quite remote as it would require bringing two women together who may not be open to the idea and may have completely different ideas than you. So be careful and hopefully something comes to fruition for you.

  4. Most women won't go for the idea of a threesome. I would absolutely consider it cheating. Even if it is a threesome. You're marrying her to commit to her, and only her. If you want to sleep with other women, get a divorce.

  5. i would say tell your wife but bring it up as a joke and judge her reaction

  6. Good luck with that.  

  7. pervert =-= i wonder if u guys r gonna divorce someday....

  8. If you join in it would make it a foursome, that woman down the streets hubby is already doing your wife with his.

  9. Try posing it like a joke. See where the conversation goes from there. Good Luck:)

  10. I say go for it!  You only live once!

  11. Your wife might get angry for having an intimate conversation with another woman.  Even if your wife went for her I hope they both kick you out.  I doubt seriously your wife would want to be part of such a thing.  I have known women who did that just to please their husband and it always ended in disaster.  I think you are a lousy husband.  I am married a second time and I finally have a marriage built on mutual respect.  I have dumped men for your kind of thinking with no regrets.

  12. Cheating would be determined by where your mind is. Are you choosing a threesome including your wife only to have this other woman or are you open minded to swinging?

    Mention it to your wife to see what her thoughts are, is she bi or at the very least bi curious?

    Feel free to contact me for further advice!


  13. The usual experience is that wife doesn't hang around afterwards, so chances are it'll back to Mrs palmer for you...

  14. Of course you should tell her.  Why would you miss an opportunity like that?  It's not cheating if she agrees.

  15. a threesome will end your marriage.....

  16. You know your wife best. Does she want to try a 3some? Has she ever told you she was bi-curious? Does your wife have a friendship with this person that this information may cause a strain? Use your best judgment after you have answered the questions above. Good luck, and if you get to do it, let me know how it went. :)

  17. If you weren't married, I'd say go for it. But I agree with Riley. You did commit yourself to her...

    and now she is all you have. And if she is all that you wanted

    from the marriage, thats what you got.....your wife. Get a blow-up

    doll and have a threesome, and just pretend that its the lady from

    down the street.

    hee hee.


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