
A woman goes the doctors?

by Guest66951  |  earlier

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,,,,a woman goes the doctors , she has been throwing up ,,the doctor says ,, your pregnant ... the woman is shocked . she says : how much pain will i go through giving child birth : ? ,, the doctor replies , it all depends, it varies from birth to birth and woman to woman ... the woman says : can you give me an example : ? the doctor says, well pull your bottom lip as far as it will go ,,, so she starts pulling : like this :?.. a Little more says the doctor ..: like this : ? says the woman ., a little more says the doctor . so she pulls as much as she can : like this : ? the doctor said , that's right , now pull it over your head ....




  1. that doesn't make any sense.

  2. i do not get this joke

  3. Don't get it.....

  4. funny

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