
A woman goes to the doctors?

by Guest67139  |  earlier

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to get the results of her examination. the doctor gives the all clear

except for the fact she is pregnant. Pregnant she cries, i cant be,

my boyfriend only looks at me and nothing else. the doctor replies,

then he must be ccok-eyed




  1. *chuckle*

  2. HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha ha aaaaaa FITZ, THIS IS A  d**n  GOOD

    ONE, &  I MEAN A  GOOD ONE  HA HA HA ha ha ha h aaaaaaaaa

    Tell me some thing? Can I use this one?  I will be using it & I will be giving you the cred OK BIG MATE?  ha ha ha ha aaaaa.THIS IS GOOD

  3. that is very funny i need a man like that

  4. lol

  5. thats funny

  6. LOL now this... Is funny!

  7. Good one!

  8. ZING!

  9. A woman goes to the doctor and says,every time I sit down or stand up I f**t really loudly,so he says sit down,she blows off,stand up, she blows off again.Just one moment says the doctor and leaves the room.30 seconds later he returns with a big pole with a hook on the end of it.What are you going to do with that? asks the woman.

    I'm going to open a window says the doctor.

  10. goodnight

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