
A woman hit me and I hit her back and I GET PUNISHED FOR IT!! ?

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She was all in my face and when i tried to walk out the door, she got in my way and slapped me hard and while I was holding my cheek, she started continuously hitting me in my face. I then slapped her back and knocked her down. She started crying and someone called the police. I told my story and said she hit me first and they did NOTHING to her, but when she told hers, I went to jail for 3 days. I just got out. What I want to know is; Why the h**l did they not arrest her too? She's the one who started it. I had rashes on my face also.




  1. So, did she put muscle into her slaps?  Huh?  Did she?  Or was she slapping you with her emotions? Be honest.

    Then, when you HIT her, did YOU use your manly muscles?  If your hit knocked her down, then duh.  You did put muscle behind the hit.  And THAT is why you rightly went to jail.

    She insulted you, but you hurt her.

    Consider yourself lucky.  You could have KILLED her.

    MEN AND WOMEN **ARE** DIFFERENT PEOPLE!  Women are more fragile.  Deny it all you want.  But despite your pride and stubbornness, you know it's true.

    Chivalry sure is dead.  Then again... maybe the witness that called the cops was a man.  HE is a hero.  Don't you want to be a hero?  Heros never ever ever hit a woman.

  2. I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry you should NOT have gone to jail for it the other lady should go to jail!  WEIIRRRRRRRRRRRRD ''lady''.

  3. All i can say is fight your case.  Look up the law, and get her charged.  You should have a case against her.  You have to take legal action like they did against you.  THings don't just happen on their own.  

  4. Dude, you have to accept one thing: the police and the courts will almost without exception have you as guilty and her as innocent.  Unlike some others here, I will take your story at face value.  that means that police reports mean little: they are supposed to favour the woman anyway, so they are hardly impartial.

    Mt ex-wife abused me and I called the police and they arrested me even though she did not have a mark on her.  She did not even use any of the standard excuses like "I thought he might hit me", but she did stand back and let them arest me.  A bit less than an hour later, I became unconscious during an interrogation (cereberal haemorrage) and they thought I was playing a game.  Long and the short, I sued three police officers successfully for false imprisonment, endangerment, dereliction of duty, assault, and a couple of other things.  I then set about systematically using every means I had to ruin their lives and marriages: PI's you name it.  Okay, so revenge is not PC, but it was a lesson to other coppers: do your job or innocent people will get revenge.  My wife ended up doing time in the end.  Whether others here believe me or not, I never once laid a finger on her.  In fact the only thing that saved me in the end was a witness who heard her admit to that: and the sheer severity of my injuries.

    I don't subscribe to this 'never hit a girl' thing.  If she actually started it, then she should be prepared to cop proportional force in return.  The idea, as espoused above, that a man can never strike, even to defend, allows tremendous abuses in law because it gives women every right to hit a man.

  5. That's b.s. gender profiling. She should have went to jail and the witnesses should have stood up for you and told the cops how it happened. I am sorry that happened to you. All states and counties for that matter have different policies on what to do during a situation like that. In my county they automatically arrest the guy. Even if it is a domestic abuse situation where the woman did all the abusing they will take the man to jail. They claim that it is to keep him safe. I don't think it is right.

  6. This is the type of incident we wacky, women hating MRA's hear about all the time.  I know of dozens of men who defended themselves, and went to jail due to mandatory arrest policies.

    The best defence is to never get in this situation, which taken to its logical end is where many men are noawadays - avoiding women altogether.  I put it to the women like this:

    If you were married to a Persian man, and you moved to Iran, a nation where you can be accused of adultery and stoned to death for it by your husband and another man, you wouldn't want to live there, would you?  Even if your husband said, "But honey, I am not like that.  Not all men stone their wives to death."

    Wouldn't make you feel any safer, would it?  Knowing he had those rights and you did not?  Wouldn't feel good at all, right?

    Men in the West feel the same way.  A woman has the legal ability to destroy his life and the only thing stopping her is her own values and mood at that moment.  There is no legal recourse if she decides to do so, and even if found guilty of a heinous crime (like shotgunning her husband in the back), she will likely get a few months in the psych ward, and then be let out to be with her children.

    Who she rendered fatherless.

    That is one messed up society.

  7. Because the police are sexist.

  8. America has become a fascist State.  Under no circumstances can a man/boy hit back.  Or even yell back.

    The police MUST arrest the man.  Police stations have gotten sued after releasing a man (who then went back & hurt the lady.)

    Why feminists and women can't see how f*cked up this is is beyond me.  Perhaps it proves my theory that both genders, given the chance, are imperfect, want control, greed + power.  

  9. Look up the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA and VAWA 2). This sexist piece of legislation makes it a crime to be a man. In the fascist country we call the USA, men have no rights.

    In the case of domestic violence, the police are instructed to arrest men and deprive them of their constitutionalonal rights. It is all part of the transformation to a police state.

  10. In some societies, it is ok to do something like that. Apparently, you are not part of that kind of society. First of all, your strength=/=hers. She wasn't strong enough to withstand your counter attack and it might have appeared that you did more damage.

    in this society, women can openly and publicly hit men. Some people even support this! I don't. Personally, some women take advantage of this and it can get out of control.

    Personally, I think that you could have handled the situation better, but I understand that you were only defending your self the only way you could think of at the time.

    It didn't work out in your favor.

    If you had restrained her hands to stop her from hitting you, things might have gone a little smoother. Then again, a situation like that RARELY works in favor of a man.

    Sorry to break it to you.

    Hope this helps a little.

  11. Well my man, that's just how the current culture is ... there's no use trying to fight it. Is it unfair? yes ... is it unjust? yes. Things might change in the future, but for now ... this is how it's going to be. Women can hit men, men cannot hit women.

    Rest assured that many like you feel the same way. Though I've never been in a situation like yours, I do completely empathize with you. There will definitely be a time when this gets fixed, "when" is the only question.

    Next time, just be careful. It's best not to get yourself into those situations in the first place. If you need to attack a woman for whatever reason, use your brain, not your brawns. Insult her or play tricks to get your revenge instead of punching her in the face.


  12. This should be a lesson to you not to use violence.  I managed to live this long without ever assaulting another human being: why can't you?

    Of course you you are trolling.

  13. jerk!!!!! she is a girl. you should,ve been in jail for 3 years!!!!!

  14. You shouldn't have hit her back, but rather shook the **** out of her. If your a man you should be able to out strength her. Don't be a dumb *** and hit a girl, cause your like 90% likely to be put in jail. Control her *** and freakin call the cops on her, you way more likely to have her go to jail if you call the cops yourself. seriously you should get a beat down for hitting her though

  15. I've got to agree with the first person.

    "I was just there, minding my own business, when all of a sudden this person HIT me" just doesn't seem terribly plausible.  If that was actually the case, you should have restrained her hands and called the police yourself, not "slapped" her with such force that you knock her off her feet.  (I'm a pretty well-built guy, and if I wanted to knock someone off their feet with a single blow, terms like "uppercut" and "right cross" come to mind - not "slap" - but hey, maybe you're Arnold Swarchenegger and just don't know your strength.)

    The fact that someone else took the initiative to call the police is the other suspicious part; apparently someone besides you and her thought there was something more to the story than what you're telling us, enough to warrant police intervention.

  16. I'd love to hear HER side of this story.  Actually, why not post the police report and let us read the police's side of the story?  Usually, there's more to the part "she got in my way" that says something happened more than a woman "started it".  Also, it's rare to actually do jail time based on "rashes", unless there's previous assault and battery type police records weighing against the person, male or female, or simply that there's parts being left out.  Why not get a better attorney (not a bad idea, by the way) and explore possible actions that you might take to address any injustice or harm you feel you might have suffered.  If you actually have a case against your justice system in this matter, the evidence would speak clearly for itself upon review.  The squeaky wheel gets greased.  The attorney and action would cost money.  But, put your money where your mouth is, as we say in poker. And, keep in mind that your new "sparring partner" is not that woman or women in general but your justice system, from the police through the judge who heard your case.  Go get 'em, champ, unless you prefer just to do battle with women who "get in your way".

  17. The United States is a feminized country.

  18. Something doesn't sound right here.    

  19. I don't know why she didn't get punished for it maybe her injuries were worse than yours.

    You two should stay away from each other.

  20. The right thing to do was get out.  Women make the best assassins.

    Nobody suspects them without substantial proof.  You can post your side of the story in the Newspaper.  You may not get justice, but you can at least get revenge.  Most abused men are never believed. not by police or society.  and are usually made a laughing stock.  I won't deliberately harm a woman.  Unless she's trying to injure me.

  21. No matter how hard a woman hits you, under no circumstance is it tolerated for a man to hit her back. You must be a total coward. A man striking a woman, is completely different from a woman striking a man.

  22. next time when someone hits you, dial 911

  23. That happened to a friend of mine.  The police and law are against men.  Men who are the victims will always be the ones to get arrested, no matter what.  Thanks to the feminists.

  24. if your story is true contact a civil rights attorney and sue the police department, district attorneys and perhaps the attacker.

       Under self defense law's in most states you used a justifiable level of force.

         Don't listen to sexist's who say "your not allowed to defend yourself".

  25. I Have No Idea. But I Have some advice in case it ever happens again. . . If Some One starts hitting you just grab their hands and tell them to stop. But That was interesting because you only did hit her for self defense . Thats STrange Im SOrry.

    Weird Lady!


    Hope That Helped YOu Out

  26. you can waste your money on a lawyer and take it up with you state supreme court and then lose and be in massive debt to the lawyer

    you can't win bud, women will always win until there is actually equality

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