
A woman is supposed to have one major culinary achievement...?

by  |  earlier

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...what's your specialty, then?

Mine is fried eggplant with "ginisang bagoong."

For dessert, it's mango float.




  1. Hi Sweety! :) I miss visiting YAP. :) Hope you're doing swell.

    To answer, my hubby goes crazy over my Beef Nilaga, and my Italian Red Pesto Spaghetti. For dessert, he goes nuts over my Peach Cream Pie.

  2. sapageti :D

  3. Hubby and junakis love my sinigang (pa rin?) whether it's sinigang sa miso, bayabas, pork, beef, fish, tuyo etc...

    Kids would eat spaghetti only if it's cooked by me or jollibee

    My dinuguan is also a wagi (success)

    I also cook kaldereta, kare kare (with super bagoong) etc..

    buko salad, halaya ube and leche flan for dessert.

  4. Mine is Pasta Carbonara. All you need is bacon, eggs, cream, onion and garlic. And pasta of course, usually angel hair. I also make a pretty good penne a'la vodka. I don't do dessert, so if we have any it's usually ice cream.

  5. just like pao, mine is spaghetti... my father taught me how to cook it well and I'm now having his style...

    for dessert, well, salads... i love it!

  6. my wife's specialty

    sinigang na ulo ng maya-maya sa miso

    and baked macaroni

  7. A Woman does not have to have a CULANARY acheavement, that is sterotype.

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