
A woman shoots her husband....

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A woman shoots her husband

Then she holds him under water for more than 5 minutes

Finally, she hangs him.

But only 5 minutes later the woman and her husband go out and enjoy a nice dinner together. How can this be?




  1. The woman shoots her husband with a nerf dart

    Holds him underwater with a snorkel in his mouth

    Finally, she hangs him _______ (?)

    Then she goes out with him

  2. wow, that's going back to the days of using film in cameras and not a memory card.

    she's taking a photo of him, developing the photo and hanging the picture to dry.

  3. ahh!! he must have a twin!!lol??

  4. Simplicity personified, she takes a photograph of him, and does the works to print it, and enjoys dinner, and the rest of the night with him...!

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