
A women's place in society is________?

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A women's place in society is________?




  1. wherever she is happiest. the whole "gender roles" in society are bullshit. I'm a guy, and i think its total c**p how women are still expected to bow to their husbands.  I treat my wife with respect, and i see her as an equal.  and thats the way it should be.

  2. wherever she wants to be :)

  3. Even today, though we claim that women's position is better, it is not so yet. Even today, in many houses, women aren't given due respect and consideration in important matters.

  4. wherever she wants to be.

  5. Wherever she wants to and works to, be.

    Cheers :-)

  6. In what society? If your asking opinion, mine is, i really don't care...

  7. It is not being forced to stay at home and raise the children as a single parent while the husband spends long hours at his job and has numerous mistresses on the side.

  8. Mine is in the home. Besides; who is society as a whole to tell me what to do; it can't; my life decisions are mine; all society can do is make sure that I adhere to the legalities; it is not there to interfere in my personal life..

  9. whatever she d**n well pleases!! this aint the 1950's!

  10. Wherever the h**l she decides it is.

  11. Whatever she wants it to be.

  12. where she feels the most comfortable.

  13. women are 50% of the society

    that question sounds as if women where 1%

    a woman can be what she wants

  14. at home caring for children and making things easier for her husband.

  15. Anything she sets her heart, eyes, hands on there is no limit

    But stay at home moms still irritate me A LOT. Personal opinion LOL.

  16. A woman's place is in the House, the Senate and the Oval Office!

    (That was on a bumper sticker I put up in my room when I was 11.)

    : )

    I think a woman's place in society all depends upon the woman and the society where she lives. A woman in Swaziland where the average life expectancy of a man is just 31 years old will have a very different place in society than a woman in New York City!


  17. Whatever she wants it to be, same goes for men.

  18. In the home:)

    Not confined to it but to take care of it which requires you not work a 40hr a week job.

    Believe me you can do anything and everything you long to do in life while being a stay at home mom.

  19. Her place in society is her choice. BTW, when choices are available to all individuals, they bound to become a happier society.

  20. flexible ; wherever the men in society place her to serve best.

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