
A women or child is murdered every 2 mins in Britain when are?

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They going to take action there are far to many weirdos wondering the streets?




  1. Really?  Where did you get your information?  I'm shocked.  I'm glad I got out when I did then.

  2. Really?  That's terrible.

    We need to sort out this country.

    Lara x

  3. That statistic is frightening.  Another statistic which needs examining - and dealing with - regards the number of abused spouses who leave their partners and are tracked down and killed by them.  I would be interested to know how many of the former victims result from the latter issue

  4. Where did you get that information.

  5. an old story

  6. That would mean that about 260,000 women / children are murdered every year in UK.

    So how come there were only 859 recorded homicides in UK in 2005?

    And how come statistics show that the majority of the victims were men, with young men aged 16-30 the most likely group to be killed.

    Violence against women and children is a terrible thing, and society must work to eliminate it. But how do you suppose that making up nonsensical statistics like this will help anyone?

  7. As long as we have do gooders in this country nothing will be done, we can`t even have a smoke where we want, we are told what is good for you to eat and what isn`t, drinking is getting targeted now, we`ve no chance of getting weirdos sorted out

  8. i think these criminals should be hung.

  9. They are never going to take action unfortunately as the so called do~gooders are more interested in the welfare of the criminal rather than that of the victims. There are people out on the street who were caught for violent offences and got what was basically a slap on the wrist and told don't do it again and off they went to do it again to somebody else.

  10. better watch your step then,Or else you will never know the answer/

  11. i think you got the wrong figures from somewhere or your making it up

  12. Where exactly did you get that figure from?  Every two minutes, that's thirty people an hour. that's 720 people a day (according to my 10-year-old son, whose maths is better than mine).  Are there really 720 people a day being murdered in this country?  that sounds like an awful lot to me.  And what about men who are murdered, are they so insignificant that they don't rate a mention?

    I think you're making all this up.

  13. Maybe we could learn from Hong Kong, one of the most populated cities in the world, where people don't fear going anywhere at anytime of the day or night?

  14. "The homicide figures show that 766 people were murdered in 2005-06".

    That's 2 a DAY, not 1 every 2 mins...

  15. But the men always escape!

  16. It's more often people that they know, even their fathers or brothers than weirdos in the street.

  17. Methinks thou hast got thy figures from the air

  18. it seems police cant do anything to the crooks!!

  19. Most murders are committed by people who are known to the victim...not by 'weirdos wandering the streets'.

  20. I would like to know from what source this information is founded . Also if this is the truth then what about other countries that are in the midst of wars like Darfur, Pakistan etc etc..  

    Personally I do not believe this is occuring in Britain.

  21. if it carries on at that rate there will be none left

  22. Life just keeps on becoming more unsafe and scaring times to live in

  23. I dont know how accurate the statistics are that you quote, but, one murdered person is one too many.

    Children cannot play outside anymore, visit parks, walk home from school alone.

    Young girls and women dare not walk around alone - even in broad daylight -

    The older generations are also not safe outside. or in their own homes.

    We all know most of these offenders are drug addicts people with mental health problems who are allowed their freedom instead of being monitored in a secure home.or institution

    Yes ,once in a while as someone has mentioned it is a person known to them, but usually it is one of the above pre -mentioned.

    The only sure way is capital punishment - or LIFE in prison meaning for the rest of their LIFE - and jails without too many home comforts.

    Until a politician or the like loses a family member dear to them in this way (which I sincerely hope never happens) our laws will never be changed. They will always be in the favour of the offender.

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