
A year working in Africa?

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I've been thinking more and more lately that, given that I have no work commitments and the estate more or less runs itself, I could use some of my vast wealth to do good in poor African nations. I could commit myself to a year of work out there, perhaps going 'hands on' building new schools and homes, then also set up a trust that will ensure education, clean water and aid to local communities, long after I leave.

Or I could just stay at home, drink gin and set up a £10 per month direct debit. Any thoughts?




  1. You should check out Thrive Africa, they have a campus located in South Africa, they have several programs to help the poor.  There are several volunteer option plans and you could make a huge difference in some else's life--but as in most cases, they will make a bigger difference in your life.

  2. Are you ready to pay for your experience? Because Africa has plenty of people who are ready to build new schools and homes. If someone wants to come in an "volunteer" to do things that Africans are desperate to be paid for themselves, then you need to be prepared to pay your own way, so that no resources are taken away from the local people: you will need to pay for your flights, in-country transportation, health insurance, accommodation, food, security, translators, training, staff to create the service opportunities and then to supervise and support the volunteers in their service, liaisons with the police and local officials, etc.

    There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    Why not spend some time educating yourself about Africa? Subscribe to email newsletters by international NGOs and agencies, like CARE International, OxFam, WFP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, etc., and see what issues Africans are facing and what approaches to help them are proving successful. Attend local lectures by organizations working in Africa. Attend a briefing by VSO. Building your own awareness, the path you should take to help Africans that will be most beneficial to them will emerge -- and be much more accurate than advice from YahooAnswers.

  3. Why go there when we've got enuff of them wud do more of a service by staying here and using your funds to help build boats big enuff to start an emigration service for them and the bleedin Poles!!!

  4. Considering your experience, I would think the direct deposit would work best for you!  It's the thought  thatcounts...anyways.

  5. Of course go to Africa, dear boy.  

    It is plainly obvious that the lapsed colonials can't run the continent themselves, so once you've finished putting up their new schools and repairing what they have destroyed in their silly little wars, perhaps you could see fit to do them and our country a favour and annex the continent in the name of Her Majesty?

    Things, I am sure you agree, were better for Africa under the Empire and will be once more.

  6. I think Oprah already tried that....


    I've seen those pitable commercials for the "Christian Children's Fund."  Consider sending money to those children.  This way you can rest assured that 100% of your money will be spent on that child!  (lol)

    You are better suited to native charity work.

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