
A young girl having a baby(her friend needs HELP!!!)?

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ok well my friend is very young to have a kid and she dosent know wat to do she knows that she cant keep the child but she dosent want to get an oportion but she is scared to give birth... she dosent no how to adopt!!! i dont know wat i should tell her and help her out with this..... the father of her child just says to have an oportion but she dosent want her child's life have to go to waste when she can just give to a family that actully wants a child that is what i siad ot her......

i dont no what to do please help me




  1. First of all it's "abortion". Secondly she needs to call a Planned Parenthood (find it on the web). They can help her with an adoption.

  2. OOOOH SOOOOO TYPICAL!! Come off as caring and then put your profile at the end because you'd gladly take this baby off of her hands wouldn't you. Thats so sick.

    I'm sorry, but this girl needs a family, who's going to step up to the plate and keep her baby and help her raise it!!! Why not adopt this 13 y/o girl and help her raise her BABY. Just because shes so young, and pregnant, doesn't automatically mean that she needs to chose adoption, or abortion!! Wheres the family support? Guess she wouldn't have been out having s*x if it existed to begin with. Poor dear, www.cubirthparent/booklet.pdf

    journey of the adopted self by betty jean lifton ( have the girls mother read this ) primal wounds by nancy verrier ( and this )

  3. Just be her friend and be there for her no matter what. She is lucky to have you as her friend. well may be you need to talk to an adult. It seems to me that your friend doesn't really want to give up her child for adoption. The only reason she is wants to do that is because she doesn't want to make an abortion. So talk to someone, a friend mom, her aut or uncles. Someone that she trust the most and see from there. No matter what do not make an abortion tell her to stay strong and keep her baby or give it for adoption. It is not going to be easy at all. But it will work out. As it is for you, learn from her mistake and don't do the same thing as she did. Good luck, best of wishes and lot of love

  4. And her parents are where??

  5. Hey honey.  Your friend sounds like she is going through such a rough time.  It brings back many memories because I too went through the same thing that she is going through.

    She needs to talk to someone outside of her family, and get some counseling.  A pastor would be great if she belongs to a church.  They will not judge her, only give her loving and encouraging advice.  This will help her to weigh out her options and make the right decision for her child and herself.

    Also, like I said I was in the same situation and in the end decided to give my daughter up for adoption.  It was a very hard decision and took me a long time to decide to do this.  If your friend needs someone to talk to, she can email me.

    Good Luck and God Bless!

  6. Please have her/them to tell their parents. If my daughter was in your friends place I would want to know. I would also tell her to have the baby and I would gain guardianship of the baby. I would not allow her to give the baby away or abort it. I would raise the baby for her or help her to raise it. I would also teach her how to be a parent and if she did not want the responsibility at that point in time then at least she would no t grow up wondering what had happened to her child and if she/he was happy or not. Please PLEASE have her/them tell their is urgent. Parents always love their children NO MATTER WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!!!!!!!


    WOWWW how YOUNG is she/you REALLY???

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