
A young woman goes into a cocktail bar and orders a double entendre.?

by  |  earlier

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So the barman gives her one.




  1. what is an entendre?

  2. Nice

  3. boom boom!

  4. Nice one.

  5. should`nt this be in the mental health section

  6. Ahahahahahaha xDD

  7. I love this joke, I use it as a filter with my husband's friends, if they get it I stick around, if they don't they are just HIS friends. have a star.

  8. lmao rofl :D

  9. i dont get it but possibly because i dont know what an entendre is

  10. chanel, double meaning hence, so the barman gave her one.

    get it, the barman gave her..... oh i give up

  11. One popular joke that simultaneously contains and defines a double entendre typically is told as: "A girl walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a double entendre. So he gave her one." A variation can be told as: "A man walks into a bar and asks the barmaid for an entendre. She says, 'Certainly sir, single or double?' He says double and she replies, 'OK then sir, yours is a large one.'"

  12. nice one, biffa

  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH it's not even a joke and it made me laugh more than the other JOKES. Star for you!

  14. i don't get it.

  15. lol

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