
A5 Apex tip?

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I know im asking a lot of Qs about A5 barrels. I just really want to know what is the most accurate. I hear this tip can do controlled curves. Is this feature used a lot? Does it take forever to get the hang of? Is it a lot of money wasted?.. opinions please.




  1. A Palmers Brass Barrel is an excellent barrel.

    Not longer than 16"

    Porting not needed on a Tippmann

    .690 Bore

    A Palmers Brass Barrel Apex Tip Adaptor

    And an Apex Tip.

    The Apex tip has 8 settings from 0=off to 8=super flatline.  The Apex tip makes the paintball drop and the come back up.  The Apex tip can be rotated and that drop becomes a curve or a dive.  The Apex tip is worth the money but the curve/trick shots it can do is not really worth it when it comes to actual playing.  If you practice with it, you could get to where the you can effectively use the trick/curve shots with the Apex tip.  Its best effective as adding distance to your shots.

    Remember, the farther you shoot, the more likely the paintball is to bounce and it will be less accurate.

  2. The apex is better than the flatline barrel, as for the hooking left/right, it really doesnt work cause its so hard to control. The only thing you should use is the dive bomb(curve down) and the flatline effect. the flatline effect shouldn't be on higher than level 5 for it to work best.

    Again depends how you play, if you play back then get it, if you play mid/front get a better barrel for $60, like a all american or a kit.
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