
AAAAHHH I'm so nervous I don't know what I'm gonna do!! Help please???

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Ok, I've been doing karate for almost 8 years. In June I'm supposed to test for my candidate belt which is the last one before black. I'm supposed to test for my black belt in November. I'm already nervous about my candidate test because they test you on everything, and I hafta break a board.(I've already broken 2 before, but still.) I'm nervous more, because I hate it when my family watches me at my tests. So I found out that the day of my test, my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and obviously parents are gonna be there because one of my cousins is getting married the next day. So of course, (just my luck) like every member from my family is coming to watch. Also, this guy who's one of my friends and goes to my school, is a black belt at my karate school. And since he's a black belt, he has to go to the tests. And to top it all off, my test is on Friday the 13th. Fan freaking tastic. So Like everybody in my family's gonna be watching, this guy who I like and.....




  1. Get your mind of the outcome. Consider this done. You have everything you need. Imagine you have completed your demonstration and it was great. There is no one around but people that support you. Imagine there energy can help you.

    For breaking:

    Focus your strike on the other side of the board. Follow through with your strikes.

  2. That's kinda why our Black belt tests are private (no spectators).  Plus, that allows the instructors the freedom to be extra harsch with the candidates.

    You would not be approved to test if your instructor thought there was a chance you would fail.  That's not to say that you're brain can't still get in the way (as it is doing now) and prevent you from doing your best, but your sintructor at least thinks you're ready.

  3. I hate family watching as well, its just adds extra pressure but it might just be that pressure that helps you get through the day, and friday the 13 is made up and has absolutely no signiicance, infact anything with a number 3 is lucky and 4 is unlucky, also 5 is lucky so friday is a lucky day

    7 is unlucky because it makes you loose at the craps table, unless it get rolled at the very start, still an evil number imo

  4. kk calm down...u cant POSSIBLY do worse than i did @my black tag gradin...screwed up sooo bad....this close 2 failin...just block every1 else out...focus on a spot above the examiners head and make eye contact with NOONE!!!!!! thro urself in2 it, heart and actually works...if u do some shado sparrin b4 u go on, u'll be warmed up and u'll be all hyped up....GOOD LUCK!!

  5. you have been practicing for 8 years so if you were doing what you were supposed to do, then you should not have any problems with a simple test. seriously though, if the only thing your worrying about is reputation or image then your a pretty pathetic person.

  6. Relax. If you go into your test with this kind of mindset, you are setting yourself up for failure. I know it can be weird when your whole family is watching, but you just need to blank everything out and focus on the task at hand. Abandon your emotions and let go of your fears. You have the skill, knowledge and experience to perform well, so just trust yourself. You have broken two boards before, so why not a third? Just make sure you follow through with your strikes. As for Friday 13th, someone just made that up. I have 2 exams on that day!

    Good luck, and chill :)

  7. you just gotta chill out, its gonna work out fine, you've been doing this for 8 years there's not gonna be a problem

  8. Take a few minutes alone before your test, sit by yourself, away from everyone. Tell your family that, if they're going to come, they must leave you alone from the time you arrive to the time you're done.

    As you sit, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Be alone. It's only you there, and you know exactly what you need to do. Go through it all in your head. Visualize yourself doing everything perfectly. Remind yourself that you know it by going through it.

    When you go to test, it's just you and the instructor. No one else matters. Keep breathing calmly, but keep a little bit of that nervousness. Nervousness gives you a bit of a performance edge, so use it to your advantage.

    Friday the 13th is just another day, like Thursday the 12th, and Saturday the 14th. 13 is only unlucky in the west because of a Roman tradition of lining up and killing every thirteenth person in a conquered village. In Japan, for instance, 4 and 7 are considered unlucky ('s**+' and 'shichi', since 's**+' can imply 'death'). Remember that you make your own luck.

    You've done it all before. You're okay. Just stay calm and you'll do marvelously.

  9. Wow!  You are still in high school and lack the maturity and mental skill to deal with a lot of this.  Thats not a bad thing-some adults never do either but try to keep your perspective on things and remove yourself from it emotionally for a few minutes.  You have been doing karate for eight years and so you should focus and concentrate on doing things just as you have been doing them for the past year in class.  Your instructor thinks you are ready!  As for the guy thing, maybe he wants to show his support for you by being there so try to set that aside in class and while testing.  It is you, the test and the instructor that counts; nothing else at that point in time.  As for your family do the same or consider asking your mom to tell them that you perfer them not to attend and put extra pressure on you.  You can take the same approach to them attending as this guy and anyone else though and should.  This is one of lifes lessons that you are learning and so it is not bad that you feel overwhelmed by all this but see if you can't make a negative into a positive by concentrating and doing well in spite of whomever is there whenever.  Start imagining in class them being there now and practice on focusing and executing things just like you want to in testing.  Visualization is an important training tool and this one example of it and professional and Olympic athelets use it all the time.  Remove yourself emotionally from this and you will start to feel better about it and take a more positive approach in dealing with it.  Good luck on your test and hang in there-you can do it!

  10. umm.. wow.  You have been practicing for 8 years and you are whining like this?

    your teacher should be sspanked for letting someone get so close to black belt with no self-confidence at all.

    Yeah, you might fail.  I failed a couple tests.  I went on to beat the national champion in his hometown.  So what?  Do your best.  It's all a learngin experience.

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