Ok, I've been doing karate for almost 8 years. In June I'm supposed to test for my candidate belt which is the last one before black. I'm supposed to test for my black belt in November. I'm already nervous about my candidate test because they test you on everything, and I hafta break a board.(I've already broken 2 before, but still.) I'm nervous more, because I hate it when my family watches me at my tests. So I found out that the day of my test, my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and obviously parents are gonna be there because one of my cousins is getting married the next day. So of course, (just my luck) like every member from my family is coming to watch. Also, this guy who's one of my friends and goes to my school, is a black belt at my karate school. And since he's a black belt, he has to go to the tests. And to top it all off, my test is on Friday the 13th. Fan freaking tastic. So Like everybody in my family's gonna be watching, this guy who I like and.....