
ABC is daring men to try pantyhose for a day to see what women have to deal with.?

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What do you think of this?

Think it would be a good experience for men?

Do you think there are very many men that would be secure enough to give it a try?




  1. That is stupid.

  2. I don't wear pantyhose! Why would that indicate anything I have to go through? I would suggest making them put on fake, yet attractive, but OVERLY large b***s (that cause back pain all the time), then they could really see what I have to go through as a woman (mine are real though and I can't hide them very well).

    I don't think men would mind wearing pantyhose, I knew a guy who did it in high school as a joke, gawd was it funny!

    EDIT: I think it's BS that the owner of the company can make it a rule for women to wear pantyhose just because he thinks it looks nice on them, doesn't that seem a little sexist to anyone else? Does he also not hire women he doesn't see as attractive? Or does he just require them to get whatever work done so they can come into work attractive for him?

    I understand about looking professional in the workplace but I don't find it unprofessional to not wear pantyhose, especially if it's not unprofessional for men not to wear a tie.

    EDIT: 1st class, what do you say to women who can't be "beautiful"? They will just never have power? Anyone who bases who they are from what they look like is lying to themselves. I know of many women who didn't need to wear hose or hike up their skirts or even wear make-up and yet they were some of the most powerful women I've ever heard of, certainly more powerful than some 2-bit hussy who thinks her looks are going to get her that promotion. Might as well lay down and wait for prince charming to come rescue you while your at it. What your saying is essentially we rely on men to grant us power, that's a very sad position for a woman in today's age.

  3. Ask Joe Namath about "Manny Hose".

  4. Pantyhose are...tights right? I personally find tights very annoying so I don't wear them. Stockings on the other hand feel lovely and they are held up buy a suspender belt.

    I think the test would be a little unfair on the men, unless they make special ones that would allow for their lunch box.

  5. I think it would be a humiliating experience for men.

  6. It sounds like the feminizing of men.  I just think that is weird.

  7. I think its funny...we prepare in the morning so much more then most of them , bras, pantyhose. I'd love to see that one. They would freak out with cramps for a day...let alone periods.

  8. I think they are all out of ideas for shows.

  9. "Sales of pantyhose have dropped every year since the mid-'90s, which is when companies began loosening their dress codes.   An unofficial survey found that most large companies...  do not require women to wear hosiery.

    Women in New York also said that virtually no one they know wears pantyhose to work, and if they were required to, there might be an uprising.  

    According to the Wall Street Journal, hosiery is now optional in the workplace."

    I remember a time when Coca Cola forced women to wear hosiery -  in the heat of summer in sweltering Atlanta!

    They're c**p.  They itch, you sweat like a pig in them, your feet stink,  they don't breathe and doctors say they shouldn't be worn too often because the bacteria from perspiration can lead to bacterial vaginosis.  

    Forget about it!

  10. It's a typical media cheap shot. Haven't they rekoned with the millions of men who already wear hose? Truckers, market traders, farm workers and on and on, and just those who like wearing them!

  11. Its stupid because pantyhose are not a must for a woman, so anyone who acts like their a jail cell needs to just stop wearing them.

  12. i wish they asked me

  13. I think it's a dumb idea for women to feel they HAVE to wear pantyhose in the first place.  My wife complains about her pantyhose frequently.  I tell her if she doesn't want to take my advice and not wear them, then I don't want to hear her complain.

  14. it sounds like a stupid idea for a show.

  15. No need for that...  I don't like being touched by dudes....

  16. A women's main source of power is her beauty, thus she will always be experimenting with different ways to exploit her beauty - panty hose, skirt length, lipstick, hair style ... - are just a few examples.

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    Ladies: Be a first class woman, not a second-rate feminst.

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