
ABORTION? What is your opinion about it?

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No bashing or flaming people, it's just to see if everyone thinks the same.

My opinion is:

It's become the saddest, most coward way to commit a crime. A Mother, Who kills her unborn child, who by the way, wasn't the culprit?

To me, it is indeed the end of the world already. Mothers killing their Children with all kinds of deadly inhumane weapons, chemicals and appliances, drugs.

It greives my heart.




  1. In short, it's murder - period!  Killing an unborn child for whatever reason is murder!  There is NO excuse to kill an unborn child, even if the mother can't afford to keep it.  She can give it up for adoption, as there are plenty of couples wanting to adopt because they can't have children of their own.  The child deserves to live out his/her life just like all other human beings!

  2. Wow, for someone who starts off saying "no bashing or flaming people" you certainly did a great job of both.

    Some women don't have any other choice than to have a medically necessary abortion to save their own lives, due to tragic complications in a pregnancy.  You might have a little compassion for their heartbreak.

  3. i'm really against it, but there are exceptions

  4. I do not promote abortion but i think there are circumstances where both mother and fetus benefit. It is TOTALLY up to the woman, it is her body, and honestly, a baby born to a mother that doesnt want it ends up dead in a trash can or left to starve or just "goes missing" to be found cut up into little pieces or buried alive. People are cruel, and yea, in those cases i think the child would have been better off NOT being starved to death at 3yrs old where it feels MUCH more pain.

  5. if you like having tiny baby parts sucked through an industrial shop-vac then by all means go for it! otherwise don't forget the famous expression "no love without the glove!"

  6. its interesting how you say no bashing, but your opinion seems to be bashing the mothers. i would not have an abortion. but i think that a women should have the right to choose.  

  7. i dont like abortion i think i read somewhere that it was like almost the #1 killer in the us but idk anyway u r killin g the baby and if u watch juno lol u will think its even worse then what u thought it the 1st place "they have fingernails" lol

  8. personally i think abortion is fine.

    like when a guy cums, its just like killing a bunch of babies.


  9. I will always support it.  Its a woman's choice, not a crime.  Why should you give a child a substandard life.  Especially if your young, it's a good choice.  Adoption is always a good option (I myself am adopted) but not always practical.  Not to bash you either, but even if I felt the way you do, I would never discourage anyone from the decision they have to make.  I have seen first hand how hard it is all though the persons life, but she doesn't regret it.  In this case, the baby had a disorder that would be painful to live with for everyone involved.  God, I really can go on forever!  Just keep your opinion you yourself, it's hard enough as it is.  

  10. i am totally anti abortion its so wrong

  11. I think its ok. If you cannot support the child, you basically doing it a favour, so it dosnt have to grow up in a horrible life.

  12. Babies, the last but first on this earth. Killing a baby is playing with Gods law. Abortion is murder to the baby,And murder to yourself.

  13. Abortion is no different than murder.  It should be illegal.  It is also very depressing.

  14. i hate it i mean its not the baby's fault the mom got

    pregnant y should the baby have to pay for it.

    and that is also takin the easy way out

    if they didnt want the baby they should have used better protection.

  15. i dont support abortion but i cannot control what a woman does with her body. its wrong but it is the womans choice to abort the child. all i know is that if i got a girl pregnant and she proposed aborting it, i'd flip out on her. that, i think i may be able to control. the other millions of women aborting children right now, not so much.

  16. it should be illegal

  17. i think its the persons choice. what if you get raped. then do you want to have a rapist baby. h**l NO! i personally wouldnt get one unless totally needed but i think it is personaly the persons choice.

  18. I agree.  Very well said.

  19. first of all

    if you dont want kids dont have s*x.

    second of all

    it is infact murder and should be illegal.

    the MAIN reason most people have abortions

    is because alot of young teen go all out and try to have a good name

    by spreading their legs for boys.

    the babys inside of them are innocents, and should not be

    killed because of their parents bad choices.

    adoption is the best way to give up a child if not wanted.

    just my opinion.

  20. A woman has the right to choose. Besides, the earth is so overpopulated with unwanted children already, we don't need anymore.

  21. I am totally against it, even if someone was raped or is too young,cant afford it, there is always adoption but apparently adoption is seen as taboo my mom, a midwife, hears other midwives talking about how adoption is so bad but is it better than not letting it live.

    Ok so if someone was raped.. well.. im sorry but the damage is done and you have to live with it now and I think the experience would be more traumatizing then the actual baby. Also if it was just because you didn't use a condom or birth control thats your fault. Suck it up. If someone in your life was annoying you or something you don't just go out and kill them. Killing someone isn't going to solve anything because now YOU have to live with the fact that you killed someone who could of been anything. Some poeple think it's easier to kill fetuses because it doesn't "look" like a human, but it still is and still could  be.

    Anyways.. I think there definitely needs to be more alternatives like the father taking some responsibility because you see it too often girl get pregnant now the guy just runs off. Also if they could create a pill to regulate a womens flow then it would be so much easier to  make a pill for guys to have less sperm.. It's Stupid that they don't Something sneaky going on there because they don't want to have any responsibility.

    lol xD

  22. abortion = murder

    thats my opinion

    edit: i think the only time abortion should even be considered if there are complications within the pregnancy...

    like i said everyone has a right to an opinion...

  23. Abortion-  If u abort its something youll never be able to get outa your  Conscience Never .. Its also taking a way life ... life is soppose to be a gift .. If you get pregnant its not just your life anymore, its another life to, the babys .. and by aborting your taking it away from him or her, that unborn baby could have been wonders to this world, but you wouldnt know that if u abort it!!!!!

  24. killing isnt the word for it...its more like making the baby suffer..

    saline solution that basically deteriorates them alive.

    partial abortions- pulling the child out of the womb-such as proceeding on with delivery then makingit a breech then JABBING it in the back of the head with a knife to make a hole then sucking the brain out..

    HOW is it EVEN POSSIBLE to commit this ****....

    I cant believe doctors even do it!

  25. Population control.

    Buck up you little faggoty *******.

  26. My opinion is that for mothers to get an abortion is wrong.  You should think about everything before you decide to have s*x, when girls are getting pregnant at age 13 it makes me SICK to my stomach. If you got pregnant it is now your responsibility to care for the child that YOU created.  If you can't, find a couple who can that, say is is a situation where they aren't able to conceive or something.  It is sad to hear stories of people getting abortions when the got pregnant from rape, because it is not totally their fault, but i still don't beleive it is right in any way.  Its when people get pregnant by willingly having s*x, and then get an abortion that is so wrong I can't even find words to describe it.


  27. me, being young and not knowing all the story of it. i still think its wrong, its a cowardly way to murder someone, a mothers own child at that,,.... sad, very terrifying even

  28. I think women should have a choice--but in my opinion its wrong unless the baby or mother will die due to birthing or pregnancy complications

  29. I know im going to get about 20 thumbs down.

    but I believe that it is the womans choice, I would rather a woman do what she has to do rather than raise a child in unlivable conditions, or when shes not emotionally stable and ready for a kid.

    i think its selfish for people to have kids who cant take care of them, its setting someone up for failure and a life of grief. I would hate to know that ANY CHILD has to do without because their unfit mother doesn't have the means to raise them.

  30. im going to tell you my honest opinion,

    i think its ok IF there is something wrong with the pregancey. other wise its horible.  

  31. I'm not level 2 yet so I couldn't give a thumbs up to Core.

    I know I'm going to get more thumbs down than thumbs up for this, but I don't particularly care.

    It's never anyone else's choice besides the woman pregnant whether abortion is an option. I am Pro Choice. Now, hear me out. If people can have freedom of religion, and the freedom to hunt animals, and it is still somehow legal to test horrible things on animals in cruel ways... why should it be any different for abortion?

    Human lives are no more sacred than animal lives. And as Core said, this planet is very overpopulated, and this is a huge factor in global warming. I don't believe in God, but for the people that say abortion is wrong because they believe in God, well... I ask you, would he create us and a world just so we could destroy?

    Anyway. I understand the idea that it is murder and that... but... it is still only a -potential- child. Is it that every time a man masturbates, he should be bashed for killing -potential- children?

    As George Carlin said... When it's a human fetus it's murder, but when it's a chick, it's an omelette.

    How is it different?  

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