
ABRIGGS lost my passport. Fraud??

by  |  earlier

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I used ABRIGGS ( to have a visa processed, first they lied to me about the visa fees, then they told the visa has been processed and passport has been sent, after waiting two weeks they said they lost it. I am worried it is a big scam and they never applied for Visa. Also my bigger worry is they are doing something illegal with my passport and visa. Wht should I do?, I informed local authorities and embassy about the lost passport.




  1. I do not believe A Briggs is a fraudulent company, and you may have simply misinterpreted their fees. A look at the website clearly posts their fees for visas, which I doubt includes the cost of the visa itself.

    I would continue calling A Briggs and ask to speak with a supervisor if you feel your call is not being handled properly.

    You have done everything else correctly.

    You may also want to contact the local chamber of commerce where A Briggs is located and ask how many complaints (if any) they have received regarding A Briggs in the past.

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