
ABS light came on again?

by Guest65008  |  earlier

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i took my car in about a month ago cause the light came on

they fixed it and stuff

then last night it comes on again

for about 20 minutes

then no longer comes on...

should i still take it in

or no worries?

could the heat be messing up my 'emergency lights'




  1. You might want to check your fluid levels, sometimes when fluid levels are low the lights will come on. If the light does come back on I would take it into the dealer to get the problem checked out before it turns into something potentially worse...

  2. The ABS light is your "Anti-lock braking system" sensor, basically it comes on if there are any issues with the electronic ABS system, the sensor could be bad, there could be a problem with the ABS (mechanically, moving parts etc).

    Just go to the garage who repaird it and tell them that it still comes on, if your ABS fails when you slam on your brakes your wheels will lock up (not rotate) which means you have no control of your vehicle, it's a pretty important saftey feature with vehicles of today, many people don't know how to manually do kadens braking (pumping the brake pedal hard and fast on and off to prevent the wheels locking up).

    They should inspect them for free, have you had your brakes worked on of late? If so they could have damaged a sensor, wire or even a switch for it.

  3. when your ABS light comes on it is indicating a problem with your anti lock braking system. When the light comes on and then goes out again, that is what is called a soft code. You have an intermittent problem with the ABS that should be addressed. Low fluid levels, low/high sensor voltage, just to name a couple.

      Any time you get a warning light on your dash, you should NEVER think "no worries". You should have the trouble codes read and the problem fixed.

      As far as heat messing up your emergency lights, if you are referring to the warning lights on your, the heat isn't messing them up. Whenever you get a light on your dash you should have it checked out.  

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