
AC thermostat in apartment sparking when temperature is adjusted?

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The AC system in my apartment keeps short cycling and whenever I adjust the temperature while its cycling the thermostat actually gives off a flash. I live in a large apartment complex so the maintenance guy is probably not going to get to it until next week. I've got the unit switched to off for tonight but I live in Alabama and its supposed to be close to 100 this weekend and the apartment design doesn't leave much ventilation so I really can't stay here until it gets fixed. What could be wrong with it? The system is about 20 years old.




  1. Scorpio is correct.Are you or were you getting some cooling?

    Don't be afraid to use it if needed.No danger of being injured.

  2. If it is a mercury switch (a small sealed glass tube with liquid mercury inside), it is completely normal. The mercury is the conductor and it is attached to a bi-metal (a metal that changes shape with temperature). It is normal to see a spark when the connection is made. Normally, we don't stare at it and notice but if you happen to be in a dark room, you may see a flash.

  3. I agree with scorpio, you just seeing the flash inside the mercury switch.

    The thermostat wiring is only 24 volts. That is not enough voltage to create hardly any spark with a short like when you are touching two bare wires together. For some reason it is more visable in the mercury switch.

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