
ACT Exam (score of 26)?

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I live in Michigan, I scored a 26 on the ACT exam. What schools (in Michigan) accepts students with that score in their range?




  1. Probably most all of them a 26 is pretty good

  2. If you visit this website, you can narrow down colleges by selecting criteria. In this case, you might choose "Michigan" and "Composite ACT score" - and it will list all colleges in Michigan so you can "compare" them as well as give you the average range of ACT scores for their admitted students. This will help you determine whether or not you fit within that range.

    For example, based off that criteria I found that Adrian College has an average ACT score of 20-25. Hope College has an average ACT of 23-29. Oakland University has an average of 19-24.

    Of course, there will be many more you'd be able to get into I'm sure, these are just three examples.

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