
ACT test question help?

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Does anybody have any tips or suggestions for the ACT test?




  1. Make sure you get a good night's sleep.  And don't suddenly sleep earlier before the night of the test- make sure it's your regular sleep schedule.  If you have like a week before the test, you should start adjusting it then, so that when you do take the test you feel refreshed.

    Have a big breakfast.  They give you snack time...but eh I didn't use it.

    Feel free to use the practice ACT tests.  Most schools have them in the counseling office.

    Overall, don't be afraid of failure.  You can always take it again.  Most people score better on the second time around anyways.

    Oh, and I forgot to say, if you're a slow test taker, and the 5 min. warning is called, I would go ahead and fill in the rest of the bubbles with a random answer.  I always fill in the 3rd bubble.  Otherwise known as "C" or "G."  There is no penalty for guessing.  :D

  2. Google Search.

  3. At DeVry University, you can get a fully accredited degree in business, management or technology with out taking the SAT's or ACT's. As a matter of fact, you don't need great grades in high school at all. Because they teach student in an application based format with small class sizes and one on one attention, through group activity and labs, it is easier to learn. the also assist in job placement after graduation. 93% of their grads are employed within 6 months of receiving their degree and the average nearly $50,000 to start. I graduated there and I am doing even better than that. as a matter of fact my Academic Adviser name was Jamar Jennings and he is based in Fort Washington PA. he can really help you out. DeVry has over 80 location in the USA and if you are accepted at one DeVry University, you can attend any DeVry University.

  4. Buy a book and study. When you are taking the test, it will seem very foreign, especially the science section, if you have not studied it. Trust me, I was there. I took the ACT once without any studying, and even though I got a 33, I know I can do two points better if I actually spend my time studying. What I'm trying to say is my first test was useless because if (when) I do better on my upcoming ACT, the $46 dollars and 3 hours I spent April will go to waste. So buy or check out a book and study. By the way, if you are debating between the ACT and the SAT, I would 100% recommend the ACT. I personally scored 200 points higher on the ACT than on the SAT (after converting my ACT score to SAT scores).

    The other answers to this question are right, DO NOT CRAM THE NIGHT BEFORE. Make sure to get a good nights sleep and eat a full breakfast. That will improve your score far more than last minute studying will.  

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