
ACT test takers please answer!?

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Okay. I am trying to get into a good college. My GPA is not as good as I would hope for it to be (totally my fault for slacking off in school) but I really want to do good on the ACT. Is there any advice you can give? What score did you get? <completely optional.




  1. take as many practice tests as you can.

    make sure you are set with the timing, bring a watch

    get a good nights sleep the night b4


    Cracking the ACT is the best prep book.  Study the whole book and take at least 5 practice tests (in the book).  Don&#039;t cheat!  Act like it is the real thing.  This book will teach you that test taking is a game.  It&#039;s not about what you know.  It&#039;s about how well you can take a test.  The book will teach you that you can become good at test taking, if you practice and go about it a certain way.  

    My score: 30 out of 36

    Science--98 percentile

    I used Cracking the MAT and scored in the 90th percentile after only studying for 4 weeks!

  3. If you are able to, I would advise taking an Advanced Placement English or Literature course. These courses focus on helping you pass the AP exam, which, like the ACT and SAT, requires the reading and analysis of passages and answering questions. I found that taking AP Lang really helped my writing and reading skills. After taking that course, I increased my Critical Reading SAT by 100 points with no studying! Studying is a great way to prepare, however, and a good practice book can make all the difference. Go to the book store and find one that interests you- you will be more liable to study that way! Good luck.

    Composite Score - 32

  4. The ACT cover a lot of high school material. Therefore, if you know your subjects in school, you should do just fine on the ACT. But then again, people with good grade in high school also perform poorly on the test. A solution to that is to study like there is no tomorrow. Remember how you normally study a week in advance for normal high school tests? Well, give yourself a couple of months before taking the ACT. The ACT covers a wide range in every section (particularly the Math), so studying is indeed necessary. The best way to study is by doing practice exams. I personally studied two huge ACT and SAT test books to help me get a good score.

    I&#039;m a good student in high school, but studying increased my composite from 29 to 32.

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