
ACT test tomorrow?

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I think the subjects in the ACT are pretty easy except for the science section. I had really crappy classes in science and I think I'll fail the science section. Is the ACT similar to the SAT where you get 1/4 points deducted for every wrong answer?




  1. No, try to answer every question.

    The scoring is out of 36 points. In each of the 4 sections you can get up to 36 points. These scores are then averaged for your composite score.

  2. try to answer everything!!!!!!!

    you don't get penalized for guessing, so the score comes from every answer you get right.

  3. I'm pretty sure you don't get penalized for wrong answers :)

  4. Nope- no penalties on the ACT (that's why I preferred it over the SAT).  You should answer every question since there are no guessing penalties.

    And if you have a chance to take the test again and if you aren't satisfied with your score you should take it over.  Try to get a sample test to practice the science section.
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