
ACT tomorrow (first time)?

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so i am taking the ACT tomorrow for the first time. i wanted to get some tips from people who have already taken it. i have a book that i read and reviewed and did practice tests and actually took an SAT/ACT class at school. so i should do fine.

i am bringing: pencils already sharpened, eraser, calculator with new batteries, admission ticket, id, and a jacket.

should i bring my own pencil sharpener??? (the little hand ones)

am i missing anything else?

also if you have any tips for me (i probably have heard them a million times but thats ok) let me know how you were able to succeed. i would appreciate anything you have to say.

thank you so much in advance :)




  1. i didnt study and got a 26.  You will be good trust me. The practice tests are harder than the real one i thought.

    chew gum!!

    it helps you cencentrate.....just a little fun fact

    good luck to you

  2. Hey just to let you know im right with you im going tomorrow to take the test as well. O and you are better off than me. i lost my admission ticket. hmm... o but im taking everything that you are well minus the ticket and if you have prepared then you will do great! The ACT is very preparable and if you have prepared like you say that you have there is nothing to worry about. Ok. tips... lets see.... stay calm u will do fine.... and eat a good breakfast.... and like umm... get a good nights sleep.... o one thing that you are forgetting bring a snack for the break... other than that you have prepared all that you can relax and you will be fine. :)

  3. i think you've got everything down well.

    so dont stress yourself out, because it sounds like you might be building up the stress kinda fast.

  4. eat before the test trust me!! I took it and didnt eat and my stomach was growling I couldnt concentrate plus other people around couldnt either...... take a bottle of water it's kind of long  and relax just a test and take your time don't rush!

    good luck

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