
ACT vs. SAT which is easier?

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I know it can depend on the person as well, but I wanted to know as a whole which test is "easier"




  1. I've heard the SAT is harder, but I've never actually taken it.

    ACT was pretty easy, though.

    If you're better at math and science, take the SAT.

    If you're better at English and social studies, take the ACT.

  2. The SAT is supposed to be easier.

  3. def. ACT

  4. You'll probably get a lot of questions that say the same thing, but here goes:

    If you have a greater aptitude in science or math, take the ACT. People argue that it's easier because it takes less time and seems less stressful to test takers.

    Take the SAT if you are strong in English. This is pretty much the traditional test to take, and the format is pretty easy to understand.

    However, if the only thing you're interested in is which test is 'easier', and you don't wish to hear me rant on about how yes, it does depend on the person and it doesn't matter which test is easier, I can bypass all that and give the Reader's Digest version: The SAT is the easier test.

    I do have to toss in here, at the bottom of the screen, that if you are asking for reference of your own standarized test taking endeavors, that the really smart thing to do is take both. Seriously. Although most colleges don't even require SAT or ACT scores anymore, they encourage them and they do help you get into a good college. If you take both, you can show institutions that you have a wide range of academic talents and interests, and are serious about impressing them and about furthering your education. Good luck!

  5. most people think the act is easier. i didn't, however. the sat is more test-taking and they do throw tricks at you. you have to know how to take the sat (lots of practice) vs. just the information. the act is more straightforward. if you know your stuff, you should be ok. this is what i've heard. however, i kind of differ. i'm a very good student in school and i got a 30 on the act, whereas i got a 2330 on the sat, which is a big difference. just try practice tests for both to see which you like. you should probably take the sat at least once, anyways, even if you like the act better.  

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