
ACTING !? Please help me.

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Im a 12 years old and live in Toronto, Canada.

I love to act and sing and dance, and I am good at them

I look older than a 12 year old

I want to become an actress but still have my education.

I have tried so many websites and auditions to do such, but i am not in luck because they all seem like they can't do much for me!

I need help and this is what i hope can help me to succeed in my dream!

If you know any websites of auditions near my city please leave the information. I can use all the help I can get, and if my dream is complete I know how to tell the thanks. (to you!)

Thanks a lot!





  1. Hmmm... you seem EXACTLY like me. Well, I think all over there are Children's Theaters, and Steping Stone Theaters, but, I know FOR SURE they are in Minnesota, where I live. Also, in Minnesota, there is an acting school called John Robert Powers, or something. There is a website for all those I listed, I think...?! Good luck!

    I'm good at all those, I guess: Very good at acting, I REALLY don't know about singing, (brother's girlfriend, parents, aunts, few friends think I'm sorta OKAY...), and dancing, eh? I dunno...?! Maybe. Well, Bye!

  2. You have a lot of time to do acting, Be in a local theater, school plays, drama class, chorus class, also you may want to think about voice lessons, and dance lessons and professional acting classes, and workshops. I've also tried using websites they don't help at all! The best way to score good auditions is by getting an agent, there free and a huge help.. talk to your parents about that or maybe a drama teacher. Good Luck :)

  3. i don't know of any near you,  school is realy inportent, you will have many chances to for fame when you get older. not many agencys will take you at your age any way. hig hint though is get invoved with butty pagents. a lot of moddle agencys go to them.

  4. continue school and follow your dream. when you are not busy, practice, audition, etc.  

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