
AD/HD, ADD, ADHD, Police Force Delima; Help!?

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So recently,

I went to the doctor/psychiatrist and was diagnosed with Adult AD/HD, and an anexiety disorder, and small motor tics, bearing, from both of thew above.

The delima I'm having, which I need your help with is; I am intending on joining the Victoria Police Force, but, from what I have been told, if you are diagnosed with AD/HD, there is a good chance that you would not be able to be a police officer, instead, the Police psychiatrist will decide upon testing if you are a valid applicant or not.

They take into account any medication you are also on, etc.

So, the question is; Do I go on the medication- Ritalin, and the other medications to which I have been subscribed, which will result in me hopefully being fixed up in cirtain time peroid, thus, risking non-entry into the Police Force... OR... do I just leave it all togeather; the Medication, and hope that when it comes to the police medical, all will be good....??




  1. Concentrate on getting well. There is a lot you can do beyond the medications. And just because you take meds now doesnt mean you will have to take them forever. Work with a counselor who understands this disease. Work on self control, stress relief. And learn how to use exercise to control impulses. Once you have really worked at getting well then apply to the police department.

    They need dependable, able, strong people. You can be that even with ADD and despite your anxiety once you learn how to control the disease instead of it controlling you. Once you learn those the tics should go away or be reduced greatly.

    An associates degree would not hurt you any- that is something you could do while getting better. ( I am sorry I just realized you are not from the US. An associates degree would be a 2 year program or certification from a college or university. Some of them have these online and some have traaditional classes.)

  2. I have adhd. I am not a cop, but am on Concerta and Metadate.  They help quite a bit, and I think you should be able to do your job without a problem, just my opinion though.

  3. Not on medication you won't get hired.  I don't want to hurt your feelings, but my dad applied to be a corrections officer in prison and because he'd been on Prozac he was refused.  Plus they simply won't give a gun to someone w/ tics, sorry.

  4. My husband has OCD and ADHD. Quite a combo. He works as a Deputy Sheriff (in a prison) full time and for the Fire Department (on call). He has done both for about 15 years. His medical issues have never been brought into play when it comes to his job. He doesn't take the medication, because he was afraid that it would be documented somewhere that he has these problems. However, when he did take it, he couldn't do his job as well as he could when he wasn't. He became a zombie. Where we live, they cannot do a medication check on you unless you mess up on the job and there is an inquiry or investigation.

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