I am a teacher at a community college in California. One of my students is disabled and requires a special chair. We are almost done with the second week of class and the office responsible for getting her set up has yet to supply my classroom with her chair. She was told that it sometimes takes "a couple of weeks."
So I have been schlepping a chair from my own office to accommodate her. I expressed my concern to my dean and he didn't seem concerned. I suggested that we are out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and he basically blew me off.
At every other campus I've worked at, it has been drilled into me (seminars, special meetings, pamphlets) that ADA is like the word of god... not to be taken lightly. Yet here, at this present school, it seems like it's pretty much ignored.
Can someone provide me with some guidance or at least some validation? My student says that this happens "every semester" and that she has waited up to a month in the past.