
ADD, my brother has it and we are having a really hard time getting him help, please tell me what do?

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we live in champaign and we are thinking of moving to chicago or sending him to a boarding school, are there any options? if there is any school near champaign illinois please email me




  1. My daughter has ADHD, ODD, as well as having Dyslexia

    Contact the family services of Champaign county, I have found a link for you, they should be able to give you some help, or refer you on to which services that can help your brother.

    Is he on medication, and a restricted diet.

    We found both medication and diet control made a huge difference to her behaviour, we also had a followed a strict routine and used behaviour modification.

    I learnt very quickly not to tell the teachers she had ADHD as I found that the teachers had a preconceived idea of her behaviour etc, even before meeting her, but I made sure they knew about the Dyslexia to ensure she got some assistance which was at times next to nothing, I even had to teach the teachers what Dyslexia was and how to assist my daughter.

    When they did find out about the ADHD they were not surprised, but was surprised she was not really naughty or disruptive.

    She is now a qualified Disability support worker, and hoping to study to become a doctor of speech pathology.

    There is hope for your brother he just needs support and guidance from people who will treat him with respect and as a person.

    Hope this helps a little

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  2. They should just look in the directory, or just look on the internet.

  3. If he is diagnosed ADD the school is responsible for helping you if he is over the age of three.  They have many resources at there disposal, which they do not tell parents because it can cost the districts money.  They have to help you in any way that you need.  There are adjustment couselors at school as well as psychologists.  They are obligated by law to help and to give you the tools to get outside help. Also,  if the school dosen't have a program  in district they are required to pay for an out of district placement.

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