
ADD and organizational OCD

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I'm thinking I would really benefit from ADD meds, which I took briefly as a teenager. I also think I could use something to chill out a bit. I tend to hyper obsess about things. Not like tapping things a number of times, but usually organizational things -- spending too much time on my stupid, elaborate filing system that totally doesn't matter. I do have a touch of trouble getting rid of stuff. If family relations count, my brother has a house full of clutter and it's clear that he has a problem letter go of things. So, I'm wondering if there is any ADD med that also tackles this form of anxiety? The one thing is that I am on the hyper side and have been warned to not take any antidepressant because it woudl send me nutty hyper. I do not deal with depression, so that's not an issue. Thank you for the feedback. Also, if you can recommend a drug combo, that would be okay too.




  1. not diagnose yourself, go see your doctor.  You can tell them you have been "warned" not to take an antidepressant (they give it for anxiety, which is what OCD is a part of), but if you were just warned by someone on Yahoo Answers or a friend, let the doctor decide it that is the case.

    You also need to talk to a PROFESSIONAL therapist.  We are not here on YA and looking things up on the internet or talking to other people is not either.

    There is such a thing as Adult ADD, but only your doctor can tell you if you have it or you are experiencing the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disoder or another anxiety disorder of some kind.

    If you did have Adult ADD and you did take stimulants as a teen and they helped, its NOT likely they will give you a chill pill as you might react opposite to it.  Also, doctors are reluctant to give out "chill pills" (benzodiazipines) to people who come seeking them as they are very careful about possible addiction.

    So its best just to tell the doctor what is going on and let them decide what kind of medicine you need.

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