
ADELAIDE.Is the City noticeably filling up with English migrants.?

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ADELAIDE.Is the City noticeably filling up with English migrants.?




  1. No, I have lived here for 50 years, the English migrant thing happened back then, at present Adelaide is filling up with Vietnamese and Ethiopian migrants, Also lots of Islamic, Muslims, I dont recognise it anymore, I wish we had more English migrants, this new brood are bringing with them violence and drugs, need I go on? I went out last night for dinner and walked through the centre of town and couldn't spot a caucasion for miles, it's sad.

  2. There a lot of English but apparently the city has a stronger German history of mirgrants then English with a lot of the town having German names untill WW2 where they were change to be more English. There were a lot of English brough over in the 60's & 70's as 10 pound tourists. Now there is a pretty good mix of everyone, lots of students esp. from Asia.

  3. I wouldn't have thought it would be noticeable. Adelaide has had a large population of British migrants for a very long time. If anything, I think the proportion of UK-born residents in Adelaide has probably fallen over the last 10 or 20 years.

    There are more Poms in Adelaide than in the rest of the country though. In the 2006 census, 7.3% of Adelaide residents reported being born in England, as opposed to 4.3% of the national population.

  4. I think perhaps there does seem to be more new English migrants, but far more noticeable are the considerable numbers of Sudanese migrants who stand a foot taller than everyone else.

  5. I don't live in Adelaide but know a lot of English people who have moved there. A lot of British people are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the way that their once Great country is now run.  They are taking their chance to move away in the hope for a better life. This is funny as a major part of the reason they are becoming disillusioned is the influx of European immigrants to Britain. Probably you people from Adelaide are thinking exactly the same. I guess the worlds population all think likewise after all !!!!!

  6. We certainly are getting a number of English people coming here to Adelaide.

    One main reason is that the South Australian Police force, being so low on Police officers, is recruiting officers from England to help fill numbers.

    Subsequently, those Police Officers have their family migrate and so on.

    There is no where near the amount of English migrants as there is Africans.

    Australia in general has had a massive influx of Africans, especially Sudanese and Nigerians. You will notice this prominently in Adelaide's Western suburbs and Melbourne's Southern suburbs

  7. In the northern suburbs I hear so many English accents - mainly from the north of England. Most of these migrants came over on the ten pound deal around the 1960's.

  8. I couldn't possibly say sir, having not been there.

  9. really. I thought they were all moving toStrathpine and North Lakes.Brisbane

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