
ADHD and ODD Help!!!!!?

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My daughter is 7 years old and has both of these. She is extremely violent towards her younger sister. She sent her to the hospital last weekend. She is on medication and still gets these violent acts in her. What can I do to try to make this all less stressful. She sees a counselor as well as a Doctor. So what else can I do?

Thank you




  1. I BEG you to make sure the meds she's taken are safe for children under 18.  It sounds like it could be bipolar and the anti-d's they use to help it can cause increased suicial thoughts in children.  I have bipolar and ADD and I'm middle aged.  My parents took me for all kinds of tests when I was young to confirm there was nothing physical wrong with me.  I had MRI, cat scan, EEG (I think-the one they put the electrodes on your head and you go to sleep) and lots of blood tests to make sure I wasn't lacking in anything.  You need to help her discover her triggers (what triggers the outbursts) and then find a plan to deal with them.  Don't laugh but I watch nanny 911 to help me with my own outbursts.  I relate with nanny Deb the best and how she handles a kid having an episode.  I use her advise in my own life and my own triggers.  Just PLEASE check the meds that she's taking.  Do lots of research on the drug and how it's administered to children.  Make sure the doctor is licensed to medicate children and take to her a lot.  Make sure she's not having feelings of hurting herself.  Please read attached.  This is not a solicitation.

  2. hey there I am sorry to hear all this is going in with such a young child but I know how u feel!! believe me. Have u asked her Dr. about changing her ADHD meds? or adding something to her prior med? I hate to see children on meds but when it's necessary u have to do whats in the best interest of the child. When we were going threw all this we sought a Dr out that deals with only these types of disorders and also a behavioral psychologist who would teach only behavioral techniquesand all. We as parents also have a family therapist to help with the stress u are talking about and it really truly works. also we set aside 1 day a week to spend a few hrs only with my ADHD child to do whatever he wants with in reason lol but he has to earns it by earning points every day by good behavior etc. I hoped this helped! p.s u can find on-line support for parents with an ADHD child , I do that to keep me sain and I am sure u know what I mean by that lol good luck and God Bless!

  3. this is something you need to discuss with the counselor, or more appropriately a licensed child psychologist. you could get dangerous advise from nonprofessionals on this forum. you also might want to join support groups for yourself and get ideas and support from those parents who have been there.

  4. I would agree to discuss the issue with a child psychologist/counselor. Also, sometimes children with ADHD have food allergies, the most common being red food dye, I don't know if you have looked into that at all ,but sometimes just taking the child off of those foods dramatically improves their behavior.

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