
ADHD and video games.....?

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I'm not sure if this theory is accurate because I don't know where to begin to verify dates but:

It appears to me that ADHD/ADD seemed to appear around the time video games starting hitting it big. If my assumption is correct would it be accurate to say that maybe ADHD/ADD may not necessarily exist if it were not for video games? If parents did not allow their children to live off video games would they burn off more energy doing typical childhood activities as well as learning through experience to focus on tasks?

No nasty comments, this is all theory which has not been researched thoroughly just yet, just seeking POLITE opinions on the matter to help me decide whether or not further research should be considered. Also, if it is considered assistance where to look.




  1. nope -your theory is bunk.

  2. Yes I believe it would play a factor. It seems like people don't want to be bothered with the kids wanting to run and play. They rather them be off alone and out of the parents hair. Video games is always listed on the "what to do with bored kids" questions. So I'd say your theory holds up. It's already known and researched that ADD/ADHD is very over diagnased and only a small portion of kids actually have a problem. I blame it for the most part on lazy parents. As for furthering research, I have no idea. Start a website to build support, and petition your congressman?

  3. There was a Scientific American out last year on human development - a baby was swimming on the cover - with an article  where there were video games that were theraputic for autism, adhd, add, and other disorders.  

    Also, many games, like role playing ones, dont cater to short attention spans, it really takes paying attention.

    If you want to do some research look more into something like a Baby Einstein video - how the short blurbs, dont develop attention spans.

    While I believe physical activity can be very very beneficial to boosting brain power, I dont see video games as a negative if used in moderation.  Ill see if I can find some links.

    You also might want to check out 2 books, the Toxic Sandbox - I think theres a decent section in there on environmental toxins and disorders, along with one called something like How to Raise a Smarter Child by Kindgergarten, which talks about 0-5 activities to boost brain power, also has sections on toxins, and processed foods, and moderation in activities such as TV and video games.  

    Also dont rule out things, like just all the toys with batteries. Does a book really need a battery.  I think that may make for more interesting research.

  4. I think you're one of those people who just hates video games for some reason and you want to blame them for everything. I've been playing video games ever since we got a Sega Genesis when I was 3, and I most certainly do not have ADHD; I'm a straight A, college-bound student, I can (and very often do) spend countless hours totally absorbed in the same book or project, and I'm perfectly capable of making and keeping friendships. What people refuse to recognize is that most video games can't be enjoyed by someone with a short attention span- unlike TV, which involves no thought and constantly changes direction, video games often require hours of attention and careful thought in order to finish a quest, find certain items, or defeat an enemy. They are definitely not for people who can't focus on something for more than 5 seconds. Also, ADHD is very overdiagnosed (if it even exists at all). Most kids labeled as ADHD are just normal kids with lazy parents who don't want to do the work that goes into keeping a kid happy and involved with life, so they just put them on drugs that turn them into mindless, obedient robots. That's what is causing kids, and society in general, to go downhill, not video games.

  5. Kids with ADHD can sit still for video games because they do not have to make an Attempted to focus.

  6. my husband and i love video games. World of Warcraft is our favorite, and it is time consuming. We both played them a lot as children, but at the same time, these games were not single player games, we still interacted.  We never fell into adhd/add

    there are many "new" things in today's moder world that could contribute to our childrens mental states. Not that i think children should play video games for hours on end, but not because i think they'll "catch" adhd....

  7. Honestly, I don't think they have a connection in all cases.

    My best friend growing up was a boy with severe ADHD. He didn't even own a television or video games. He had a single mother, multiple siblings, and they couldn't afford luxuries. Yet he had ADHD.

    He had very hard times in school to stay sitting in his chair, it was that bad. He himself wasn't a bad kid, he had a heart of gold. He just couldn't control himself.

    But, I do agree that excessive use of television and video games can aggravate children with ADHD and worsen their symptoms.

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