
ADHD diagnosed son medication indicated anything else?

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My son was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I am reluctant to put him on medication but in my research to date have found no other tools that will be of help to him during school. Any help is appreciated as I am still researching and trying to help my son help himself.




  1. To anyone with a child with ADHD and is reluctant to put them on meds , you need to really think hard about that , what I mean is that if there not properly medicated by the time they reach teenage years they will most likely start self medicating themself with either drugs or alcohol and then your looking at bigger problems , trust me . You can protect them while there younge and change there diet but once there 18 and on there own and mommy and daddy isnt there to guide ,they can't take the feeling of not being able to focus in the world and whatever else comes with ADHD and they will turn to whatever makes then feel better . ADHD is a life long sentence its not gonna go away .

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