My son has ADHD and has been diagnosed by a child ADHD specialist at Westmead Children's hospital. I would like to make a quick note to all those FOOLS who think that once a child has been diagnosed with ADHD that the very first prescription the child is given is Ritalin, they are ABSOLUTELY INSANE. The first prescription my child received was Catapres not Ritalin. What do you think I'm nuts? I'm not going to give my child Ritalin. Also can people please refrain from posting links to ritalin induced websites. I already know not to give it to my kid! I already know the side-effects of it. I would rather chop off all my limbs before even considering giving it to them. I have read the book called 'Understanding ADHD' by Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Kit Chee . I also watched a dvd by Dr. Christopher Green, which explains it all in lamens terms. (plenty of coffee, hahaha)