
ADHD medications?

by Guest55894  |  earlier

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My son has ADHD and has been diagnosed by a child ADHD specialist at Westmead Children's hospital. I would like to make a quick note to all those FOOLS who think that once a child has been diagnosed with ADHD that the very first prescription the child is given is Ritalin, they are ABSOLUTELY INSANE. The first prescription my child received was Catapres not Ritalin. What do you think I'm nuts? I'm not going to give my child Ritalin. Also can people please refrain from posting links to ritalin induced websites. I already know not to give it to my kid! I already know the side-effects of it. I would rather chop off all my limbs before even considering giving it to them. I have read the book called 'Understanding ADHD' by Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Kit Chee . I also watched a dvd by Dr. Christopher Green, which explains it all in lamens terms. (plenty of coffee, hahaha)




  1. Don't you think your ranting a little ..if you do not want to put your child on medication good for you ...if people post links ..simple ignore them

    As i found out you can read all the books you like as i did cannot prepare you for real life you learn as a mum to cope and find the best coping skills as you go on ..

    Mum to twins Thomas has severe autism nonverbal aged 10

  2. Umm, I'm not sure what the question is here, but I'd also like to add that diet is supposedly a really important factor in managing ADHD.  Lots of fruit and veg and not much sugar based stuff (but I suppose if you've watched the videos etc you'd already know that).  You might also like to try scheduling/timetabling in your child's day - children cope a whole lot better if they know what's going to happen and when.  Hope that's helpful!

  3. I'm not sure what your question is...

    Anyhow, gluten free/casein free diets work wonders. Google it and you'll find a ton of info. Within 2 months of removing all gluten and dairy products from my son's diet he was a completely different kid. He's not even on medication and his behavior is under control just with that diet. Also, a lot of kids with adhd-like behavior are found to be magnesium deficient. Try this stuff... You should be able to get it at any health food store if you're in the US. Not sure about other countries.

    Smart move avoiding Ritalin. When I was in high school kids used to sell their Ritalin to other kids because it had the same effect as street meth! I don't know a mother on the planet who would feed meth to her child but for some reason people think Ritalin is ok. Scary.

  4. My son was on Concerta - What does your book say about that?
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