
ADHD <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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what do they do durning the testing?

i have to get it tomorow and it will last three hours

! HELP im scared




  1. ask alot of questions . some do puzzles, test on computer . Adhd is really a myth . It is a hyper child , And the drugs they put you on can be very dangerous actually . what makes you think you are adhd . because you cant pay attention wont stay in seat .. it is called hyper and children have been hyper for years , used to be good thing to have energy now they are turning everyone to zomies with drugs it is crazy and dangerous to children  

  2. Don&#039;t be scared.

    Be calm about it.

    Don&#039;t think about what you expect to go on during the testing.

    There&#039;s a lot of different ADHD testings.

    Sometimes they just sit you down and ask you a few &quot;personality&quot; questions,other times they have you go on a computer and do different tests.

    Good luck


  3. just calm down, take a breather, have a good breakfast, relax, get good amounts of sleep, and put all ur mind and body into preparing and doing this test. im sure ull do fine

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