
ADVICE ON A TATTOO? will it look good.?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17 and ive been wanting a tattoo for a while BUT my mind and ideas keep changing, which is discouraging me to get one right away when i turn 18 because i know itll be on me forever, and my mind still changes about what i want right now. For about a month now tho my mind has been set on this

that between my shoulder blades but instead of red silk, light purple (my favorite colour)


honest ones too. like dont be afraid to be mean if you think its completely stupid

i want to know would it look good

would it look good when im older (20's 30's) like not childish type deal

um... on me personally well i can describe myself . i have very long dark brown hair. im slim. 17 , 115lbs 5'4.

please be completely honest, it is much appriciated.




  1. I agree. I think you should wait it out. untill you know forsure its what you want. i have been trying to get a tattoo since i was 16 ( my mom was ganna sign when i turned 16) but i cant make up my mind. ill be 18 in a few months. but i know what i want now. and im sure. give it time.. if you dont get it right away thats okay. its better to wait untill you're forsure than to run out and get one just to get one. trust me i know how that is. but i am very glad that i waited.. and im going to keep waiting if i still want this tattoo when i turn 18 i'll probably get it. but im not going to make my mom sign for me to change my mind again.

    goodluck :)

  2. It's not my taste at all! It's so random. Does it even have meaning to you? You are going to have this tattoo FOREVER! It makes you look like a present from the back if you think about it lol. Besides, your young and you'll change your mind again, just like you said you did before. You don't want to get something permanently tattooed on you b/c you like it and think it looks cute at the time. Things wont always seem so cute 3 years from now. You get a tattoo b/c it has meaning to you, because it represents who you are and your personality. When you find something you like, wait atleast 4 months and see if you still like it than. :)  

  3. My opinion- Wait.

    You're looking for the opinions of complete strangers on-line regarding YOUR tattoo, this is a sure sign you're not yet ready to get a tattoo.

    You have even admitted yourself that you can't decide.

    Print of the picture, and stick it somewhere you'll see every single day. If after 6 months to one year (or even longer if you wish), you're not sick of it and still want it tattooed than go for it.

    If you still can't decide than keep on waiting.

    Tattoo removal is a long, painful, and expensive process. Always think before you ink.

  4. being honest here but it kinda sucks

  5. i like the idea... at least it isnt a d**n butterfly

  6. Hey girl im the Tattoo expert i have about 6 of them. let me just give you some advice. 1 i like the bow idea its unique and i never seen anyone with it before i suggest getting the smaller not as big the two places where it would look hot on your lower back above your butt becaue most people have calligraphy or designs or their names. Never seen anyone with a bow so thats hot. secondly u can get it on the upper left or upper right side of your back or some people may call that area the shoulder blade but i like to call it upper back. those places would be the best now im young just like you and i want to tell you that once you get this tattoo they become addictive hence lol I have 6 which I will get 2 more and im done lol but make sure you get them in places where you can go to work and they not be visible. good places for tattoos are your back and your stomach or upper thigh. legs, calves, arms, neck, face employeers look down on. Plus it doesnt look attractive. So hidden places like those are good and more s**y and cute. When you go out and wear strapless shirts or belly shirts or go to the beach they will be shown off. So they wil look right when you get older. So go for it if ya parents let you at 17 if not get it when you 18. Make sure you dont go to a tattoo party to get them go to a real place!!!!!!!!!! yes tattoo parties charge cheap but they cant be trusted. Good luck

  7. IN ALL HONESTY. Dont get one untill your 20. If you cant make your mind up now, then dont get one, wait a couple of years to see where your life gos

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