
ADVICE ! my si year old daughter called me stupid in public,today as we walked to school.?

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i scolded her and threat to punish her.what else could i have done.what should i have done ?




  1. If it was the first time and it sounds like it was then I think most of the time if you explain things to her that helps. I even do that with my youngest she is 2. I tell her hey that was not nice, I explain what it means, then I explain that they wouldn's want it done to them and nethier do others. I tell her you don't do mean things to me and I will not do mean things to you. Once they know it's not nice then most of the time the stop. If not the remind them every time they do it with some small punishment such as time out.

  2. I would have turned, face her, and look at her right in the eyes.  I would have told her that she was being very disrespectful and words like that hurt my feelings and make me very angry.  I would explain to her that language like that is NOT okay and will not be tolerated.  She would get the speech about treating others how she wants to be treated.  I would tell her she needs to apologize and I would take privileges away such as TV, video games, or playing with friends away for a certain amount of time.

  3. I would definitly address this issue with her. I have had this talk with my daughter about saying these not so nice words and if she does say it while in public, I dont yell and scream at her in public, I just give her this look and she knows she did something. Usually children do that to look cool and they dont realize how much these certain words can hurt people's feelings. The bad thing is: some parents allow their children to say these words and for our children to see this, they are thinking its okay because their little friends are saying them.

  4. she learned a new word & is trying to look cool in front of her friends. don't worry about it. it's a phase.

  5. Quit threatening and follow through.  Do not stand for that kind of disrespect or you are going to have quite the time when she is a teenager.

    They hear words like that from their parents (watch what you say, parents, because our children do listen and mimic us) and from their friends.

  6. If I said that (as I did once with shut-up) I was walloped in the behind  and sent to my room all day.  Catch it now before this disrespect carries through her life.

  7. Kids today need their  a** beat . that is why there are so many gangs today. It is not abuse . Just crazy People who say it is. We kids from the 50-60's are O.K. and we used to get  "

    spankings " all the time. No problems. Think about it

  8. You should be firm without physical punishment. You can take some of her privileges (like not letting her watch TV for a while)

  9. tell her that it is NOT a nice word. Wash her mouth out with non-toxic soap or if thats a problem try telling her you'll tell her dad, it worked for me.

  10. She is at the age where she knows right from wrong and you did the right thing by letting her know that she crossed the line.  Now you have to follow through with the punishment.  If you don't then she will know she can get away with it the next time.  Don't ever make threats unless you plan to follow through, she will walk all over you if you do.  That must have been humiliating so i think you handled it well....KUDOS!

  11. ask her to apologize.tell her it hurt your feelings.

  12. As summerloving0 said, it's just a phase. Wait until she starts telling you she hates you!

    You did the right thing basically. Just make sure she knows that it's not OK to say things like that to you.

  13. She's 6 people. She probably doesn't even know that it's not considered a nice word. When my daughter or sons call me stupid, I call them a silly name too! It's a game we have. Whoever can't keep the name calling going loses. They think it's hilarious, helps their vocabulary, and also lets them know that name calling is a game, not something we do all the time. They never call others names, it's our own little game. Worked for 4 out of 5...the baby can't talk yet!

  14. When I was yonger, my mom would have popped me, but since everyone nowadays thinks taht is abuse, you did the right thing. Follow through with that punishment as well.

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