
AF Has Shown Up Again Unwanted!

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each month gets harder and harder i stopped charting and everything i am just going off my cm and baby dancing every second day i am hoping this more relaxed approach will help....hope some of you had better news to share this month but i am once again broken hearted...and longing for the day when i can look into the eyes of my baby....... i know it will happen one day for me, i am meant to be a mommy. anyone else know whats up with them this month yet? please share! could use the support of someone who understands!




  1. my husband and I researched vitamins thar help boost fertility, it helped us!  Much luck to you!

  2. I am with you I think I am going to try the smileys

    face opk next month I have used the one with lines and that just confused me more. Both my spouse and I have done all kinds of testing only to get no answers.If I were you depending on how long you have been trying if more than a year I would get my tube's checked though a dye test done at the hospital I did it and yes it did hurt but well worth the answer and than I would get my partners sperm checked which cost a little over 100 dollars and once again well worth the answer.I know how much it hurts and how broken you feel when you don't get the baby you want so bad.Just know you are not alone.

    answers to your edits.The dye test is done in the hospital and it is done like a pelvic mine was a little harder because I have a tilted cervics so they had a hard time getting the dye in.I also did a progestone blood sample one sick done on like the 20th day of your cycle.

    His testing he has to get some blood draw to check for several things and the sperm sample is just him doing what he does in a cup and take it to the lab.I hope this helps.

  3. ya it sucks when were trying so hard and we will take care of our babies when every day you hear about someone abusing or killing their child i hate it if there really was a god why would he give someone who would kill their child a baby and not give someone who will love theres one it so messed up i hate it

    ps been trying for almost 2 years

  4. I think I am going to try that OV watch thing next month.  It is expensive, but if it really works it is well worth it.  Good luck!

  5. Can i give you a piece of advice??  if your BDing every 2nd night is it becoming a chore? If its a chore than its always gonna be on your mind and be stressing you out, which is not good.. Do you have a regular cycle?? Can you not just do it  that often around ovulation and than whenever you want for the other parts of the month.  Have you ever used an OPK? Please dont give up, i just got a BFP and its the best feeling. Unfortunately it only lasted a week but im looking forward to trying again.. Baby dust to you

  6. Well I'm 13dpo, FF says I should have started AF today and as of 10pm no sign of her and got a BFN today.  I keep thinking AF is here, but it's not......and I hope it never makes it!!  BUT, if AF does come again this month, I'll be doing exactly as you.  No charting, opk's.... just watching my cm and BDing because I want to WHEN I want to ... I might not even show up here for a little while, focus my attentions on something else!

  7. I know how you feel!!  I look forward every month hoping AF won't show up and every month she comes, sometimes a few days late just to trick me and get my hopes up I think.  Good luck next month and lots of baby dust to both of us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    I have been trying for almost a year as well....I have done blood tests and tried to track ovulation but the doctor and I decided I may not ovulate regularly so I go back the end of this month and going to start clomid...hoping that works!!

  8. I've been there before.  It is quite disheartening, I know.  You are right, though.  It just takes a while sometimes.  Don't let it get you down.  My husband and I tried for over a year before we had a healthy pregnancy.  Then with our second child we conceived the first month we tried.  Hang in there.  It will happen.

  9. I have been ttc for 4 months, and i know it's not long, but for the first three months i did all the charting, OPK's, checking my cervix, CM, temperatures and charting, taking tons of over the counter vitamins that promised to boost fertility and CM, i even saw a fertility doc after two months, i was just obsessing over ttc! as soon as i had a positive opk i'd call my husband and tell him "ok, it's time! we need to do it today!" s*x was like a chore, i would even put my feet against the wall after s*x. i made him get on top, and insisted on just laying there to maximize my chances. My husband finally told me i was obsessing and he was not enjoying s*x at all, therefore he wasn't ejaculating as much as he could. finally this last month i stopped all the OPK's, stopped all the bogus over the counter fertility vitamins,  and any kind of obsessing. i only took my temperatures in the morning and took a prenatal pill and one vitamin b6 every morning. i drank lots of water too. i started enjoying s*x, using all kinds of positions to make sure he was enjoying him self too, i would actually climax we had such stress free, good s*x! Just today i got my positive HPT, and had it confirmed w/ the doctor today. i'm 11 DPO. my advice to u is to RELAX! and try to ENJOY s*x. do it like u mean it, for fun, not for baby dancing. he'll ejaculate more too, thus helping u conceive. this is a natural process and stress will do MORE harm than good! trust me, that's how i got pregnant w .my last baby when i stopped "trying" after 19 months of ttc at that time! Stay positive, i wish u all luck... TONS OF BABY DUST!!!

  10. maybe your man has a low sperm count?? Has he had any testing  done for that? Good luck!!

    ( A Mommy) 4mth old

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