
AF due yesterday? have not shown signs like af is comming? ?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if i could have actually ovulated around cd 28 and am pregnant.

my temps are not a sure way to go by since they are all at different times due to shift work.

i have been going by egg white cervical mucus. but this is the first months i have charted so i dont know really how it works.

i was expecting my af ( aunt flow) (period) yesterday morning but nothing yet

i usually spot for about 3 days before i start and i have not even had spotting yet.

could i have actually ovulated and am pregnant?

my cycles are usually clock work 34 days

i had a lot of cramping on aug 29 ( cycle day 32) could that have been implantation cramping?

i have taken test but it was neg.

but i am thinking if i had ovulated cycle day 28 or 29 would implantation happen around the day i was cramping?




  1. take a test if you're late for your period but make sure it's one that is a first day of missed period one so it would be sensitive enough to detect preg. if you were

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